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Comet K2 is approaching Earth, watch the live broadcast here

NORTH TIMESComet K2 still visible shining bright swhen you are at a distance closest to Earth today, Tuesday 19 July 2022.

C/2017 K2 (PanSTARRS), sometimes called “mega comet K2, is at most near with Earth since Wes date July 14, at a distance of about 168 million miles.

The Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) mepredict that inti comet K2 could be between 18 and 100 miles (30 to 160 km) wide, but data from the Hubble Space Telescope suggest that it may be only 18 km wide.

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During approach closest with Earth, comet K2 is on incredible brightness levels. The right time for observe conjunctions and star clusters-stars in the night sky.

Comet K2 looks like launches a jet of material towards the center of the cluster nearby stars even though it’s not true at all.

Only one of the two comet seen in phenomenon this one is rare. Ion tail and dust tail visible from all meteor showers or shooting stars.

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This is due to sun which blowing the gaseous ion tails away from the sun. Orbit comet can be tracked by looking at directions dust tail which is heavier. while ekor ion The shooting star can show you where star clustergnya.

Comet K2 appears to have come from the Oort cloud. Unlike comet others that appear repeatedly, this is the first trip comet K2 to our inner solar system.

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