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Comedy at the top of Latvian film charts. The most viewed is the “Criminal Excellence Foundation”

“With the centenary of Latvia, Kino Citadele is celebrating its 15th anniversary this autumn, therefore we look back with interest at the top of Latvian films screened in cinemas during these years. Comedies take the first two places – in the second position with 29,754 spectators are Swingers. This means that Latvians value humor and are able to laugh at themselves in a healthy way. Patriotic, historical films also have an important place in our repertoire – here we should definitely mention the biographical drama Father Night, which premiered a week ago and has already been watched by 3640 viewers, ”says Normunds Labrencis, the director of Forum Cinemas.

Cinema Citadele TOP 10 of the most watched Latvian films of all time

1. Criminal Excellence Fund – 35,243 spectators

2. Swingers – 29 754

3. Nameja’s ring – 25 494

4. Dream team 1935 – 20 643

5. Beetle – 17 291

6. Grandfather, more dangerous than the computer – 16 233

7. Year of manufacture – 11 992

8. Mom, I love you – 11,429

9. Paradise 89 – 11 046

10. Chronicle of Melania – 10,862

Social psychologist Ivars Austers emphasizes that the taste of Latvian film lovers is not unique in the global context. “This top shows universal psychological mechanisms, namely, comedies that have emerged as leaders, which allows viewers to pair up about what is around them and about themselves, resolving internal contradictions. In turn, patriotic films allow you to get confirmation that your social group is good – not only today, but since ancient times, so viewers love this cinema. ”

The leader of the top – the comedy Criminal Excellence Foundation – describes Auster as a film “out of time”: “It features both 90s and 70s music and clothing – an amusing mix that allows you to see yourself at different times. I think people also like jokes taught in rude language. We don’t usually talk about it in life, but exaggeration has worked here as a good artistic tool that solves the inner tension of the audience – many people want to say the same thing in similar situations, but it is not acceptable. ”

Dita Rietuma, Head of the National Film Center and film theorist: “Congratulating Kino Citadele on its 15th anniversary, it is important to emphasize the cinema’s contribution to the promotion of Latvian cinema, Both the stylish Criminal Excellence Foundation and the spicy Swingers have become commercial success stories of Latvian cinema. These genre-different projects have brought new winds to the offer of Latvian cinema, reminding that criminal adventure stories and spicy misunderstanding comedies are genres that viewers love. Complex films that are important for the Latvian cultural process have also been successfully shown in the cinema. ”

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