Home » today » News » Comedian La Bajon becomes godmother of Vivre l’instant, a humanitarian association in Lorraine

Comedian La Bajon becomes godmother of Vivre l’instant, a humanitarian association in Lorraine

Comedian Anne-Sophie Bajon, alias La Bajon, has just accepted to become the godmother of the association Vivre l’instant VI?. What makes a reinforcement of weight in the fight which the members of this structure born in 2020 and which acts by creating links between associations and helping all those who are experiencing difficulties. Active between Pont-à-Mousson and Longwy, via Metz and Thionville, they bring their arms to humanitarian, solidarity, ecological events, etc. “They came to see me at the end of one of my shows (in November 2022, editor’s note) and they were all shy. We have discussed. They told me about their project and told me that they would be happy to have me as their sponsor. I accepted”, simply explains the author and actress who launched her career at the national level about five years ago.

And the reason is simple: “I find what they do admirable. It’s remarkable to give of your time like this for others. At a difficult time for more and more people, who are exposed at the beginning of the month, and who are more likely not to have a pension right away, it is beautiful. If my little notoriety can serve them, I’m happy. »

“Be the Change”

La Bajon thus supports other associations or structures in France, such as a solidarity grocery store or a “refuge” for homosexual adolescents who are victims of rejection or violence. “To Live the moment, it does not commit me to much but I will talk about it as soon as I can. We will also make videos together on social networks to make them known to my more than one million subscribers. »

On the side of the Lorraine, we are necessarily happy with this news. “Several members of the office and members find themselves or recognize in his remarks, even if it is presented with humor. She often does this to defend causes and values ​​that are common to ours. There is in her a desire to awaken or awaken people to the injustices of everyday life and of our society. More than a comedian, she is an artist. And a committed artist, who denounces the sad realities of this world. In his last show, we hear the following sentence twice: “too young, no time, too late”. It strangely joins the will of Vivre l’instant which is to act in the sense of: “be the change you want to see in this world”. We want to be a bridge between the causes and it will help us do this, ”explain Matthieu Dalmart, Florent Evrard (both Morfontaine) and Mickaël De Azevedo (Entrange).

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