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Comedian Bibi Wantan took chlorine dioxide after contracting COVID19 and is in ICU according to sister | Shows

The popular walking comedianLa Bibi Wantan‘is fighting against the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Hospital de Ate.

The brothers of Miguel Angel Campos Aliaga they connected live with the program I have something to tell you from the front of the health center. There, they revealed details about how the street artist is doing.

YOU CAN SEE Comedian ‘La Bibi’ entered the intensive care unit for COVID-19

Miguel Angel Campos Aliaga needs help to buy his medicines and an oxygen bottle. Photos: Facebook

Lady Campos Aliaga, sister of ‘La Bibi Wantan‘, he said that it all started with a simple cold. After a week, the humorist’s health worsened, which is why he had to receive oxygen.

“He was shaking very fast, he told us that he was short of breath. She told me that she only wanted a notebook to write, “she said.

The popular traveling comedian ‘La Bibi Wantan’ is battling COVID-19. Photo: Facebook

However, on one occasion during his treatment, ‘La Bibi Wantan‘took chlorine dioxide because the oxygen balloon ran out. “Thanks to Father Omar, he gave us a full gas bottle. But it was over and we were looking ”, he said. Lady Campos.

His brother ‘Jhonny Carpincho‘He mentioned that they both worked on the street selling vegetables for delivery and gave shows such as serenades. “We were looking for a way to make people feel good, but without thinking that all this was going to happen,” lamented the traveling comedian.

“I spoke with a caregiver who told me that my brother was in a normal state, with a saturation of 92 and oxygen of 15. The doctors were not going to give information at 2:30 pm We thank Mr. Manolo Rojas for his help” , the popular’s sister ended ‘La Bibi Wantan’.

The program led by Lady Guillen gave food donations to the family of Miguel Angel Campos Aliaga, who is 47 years old and has seven children.

Chlorine dioxide has no scientific backing

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) does not recommend the use of chlorine dioxide in patients with COVID-19, or in any other case, because there is no evidence on its efficacy and the ingestion or inhalation of this product could cause serious adverse effects. Also in Peru no official entity approves its consumption.

‘La Bibi Wantan’: family and friends organize activity to pay for the health of the comedian

Miguel Ángel Campos Aliaga, who plays ‘La Bibi Wantan’, remains hospitalized in the intensive care unit of the Ate Vitarte hospital, where he is being treated to overcome the coronavirus. Meanwhile, the family of the walking comedian has organized a chop to be able to cover the costs of the treatment.

Photo capture: Jhonny Carpincho And Bibi Wantan Comicos Facebook

For the Bibi! You already know friends, this Saturday the 22nd, great chop for health for the speedy recovery of the ‘Bibi’. He needs all of us, we hope for your support ”, you can read on the official Facebook page of the comedian and his brother Jhonny Carpincho.

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