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Comedian Arj Barker Faces Backlash for Asking Breastfeeding Mother to Leave His Show in Australia

Comedian Arj Barker defends asking breastfeeding mother to leave his show

Comedian Arj Barker defends asking breastfeeding mother to leave his show

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Comedian Arj Barker released a statement on Monday explaining his decision to ask a breastfeeding mother to leave his show during a performance at the Athenaeum Theatre in Melbourne, Australia. The incident occurred over the weekend at the city’s international comedy festival. The woman, Trish Faranda, and her 7-month-old daughter, Clara, were requested to leave the show due to the baby allegedly disrupting the performance.

The Incident

According to Faranda, her baby was occasionally giggling and gurgling during the show. When Clara began to become restless and whine, Faranda started breastfeeding her. At that moment, Barker approached her on stage and spoke into the microphone, stating that her actions were interrupting his rhythm and requested her to leave. Several audience members supported Barker’s decision, while others encouraged Faranda to stay. Feeling uncomfortable and humiliated, she eventually left the show.

Barker’s Perspective

Opposing the accusations, Barker posted his insight on Instagram in a statement entitled “BabyGate: Let’s Clear The Air.” He clarified that he had initially made light-hearted jokes about the baby’s noises, which were well-received. However, when the baby disrupted the show a second time, he was concerned about distracting the audience. Barker acknowledged that it was a difficult decision but emphasized his responsibility towards the approximately 700 other paying audience members. He also mentioned that the show was advertised as “Strictly for Audiences 15+,” and he criticized the theater for failing to address this beforehand.

Not About Breastfeeding

Barker firmly denied that his decision had anything to do with the act of breastfeeding, as he claimed he couldn’t clearly see Faranda due to the bright stage lights and the dark audience seating. He expressed his support for public breastfeeding, stating that it is a natural and accepted practice. Barker also expressed regret for any upset caused to the parties involved, his fans, and babies.

Reactions and Festival Response

Following the incident, reactions in Australia have been mixed. Some have expressed outrage over Barker’s actions, while others defended him, taking into account the show’s age restrictions. The Melbourne International Comedy Festival, although not responsible for Barker’s show, acknowledged the incident and released a statement highlighting the importance of sensitivity and respect in performer-audience interactions. In festival-managed venues, babies in arms are usually allowed with a recommendation to sit towards the back for a quick exit if the baby becomes noisy.


While the incident has sparked controversy and a range of opinions, comedian Arj Barker stands firm in his decision, asserting that the show’s quality and the consideration of the large paying audience were his primary concerns. Both Barker and the mother involved express their contrasting perspectives on the matter, resulting in a complex situation that continues to be debated in Australia.

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