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Come on: when friends don’t give a damn about corona rules

For a year now, the Saxons have had to limit contacts, keep their distance and follow hygiene rules. The regulations are known. Nevertheless, the police keep moving to large-scale controls with public order offices and punishing violations of the corona protection rules – most recently on Thursday in the Leipzig parks. 43 fines were imposed there for not wearing masks or for ignoring the ban on alcohol. The day before, the federal police broke up illegal sunbathing with 30 people in Leipzig. Two examples of several thousand violations.

Why is it so difficult to follow the rules?

Every person learns the rules of social coexistence in their childhood and youth and internalizes them in such a way that they are part of their unconscious actions, explains the sociology professor and head of the Institute for Sociology at Leipzig University, Prof. Dr. Holger Lengfeld. “For a year now, the Corona rules have been overriding our internalized rules. They are not a habit and are not known unconsciously.” Keeping your distance, not hugging friends and family, not even meeting – these are all rules that contradict the old life before Corona.

According to Lengfeld, those who feel threatened by the virus also want to protect themselves and stick to the rules. They continue to put on masks and do not meet friends, even if they have invited them to the garage party for the second time or if their parents want to celebrate a birthday in an unauthorized large group.

Social fatigue

Man is just a ‘herd animal’. And now I’m hugging you all very tight.

Angelique Fleischer
Facebook user

At the same time, the Leipzig scientist observed a kind of “social fatigue” in Saxony. As early as April 2020, the social scientist expected more violations of the corona restrictions the longer they last. “People want their old life back. They lack social contacts. For many, the threat from Corona remains abstract. They are not affected directly or in their everyday lives. They also do not experience any direct stress from the consequences of the pandemic. The feeling of threat decreases “says Lengfeld. In addition, the possibility of vaccination works like a light at the end of the tunnel.

Many people who do not see themselves as corona deniers want to have contacts again, meet secretly or outside. “They do not want to harm society and do not see themselves as showing lack of solidarity,” said Lengfeld. Discussions are still foreseeable if friends or family members want to continue to follow the corona rules.

This is how the corona dispute affects friends and families

I had an argument with my son, who is very critical of the government’s actions and actions. After a short discussion, the conversation was broken off for the sake of peace. Everyone stays with their settings. That puts a strain on family life. I am glad that I have found a common position with my wife and that we are in agreement.

Volker Zöge
MDR viewers

Sociologist Lengfeld has a thesis on this and differentiates between two types of social relationships: casual circles of acquaintances and friends such as bowling groups, sports fans or acquaintances on the one hand and family and close friends on the other. If you argue with your club friends or looser acquaintances about how to deal with the corona crisis, “it’s about a lot. If you feel threatened yourself, it’s about your own health. Then there are allegations, you withdraw”. Holger Lengfeld suspects that many casual friendships will not survive the crisis. But that still has to be researched.

If you want to adhere to the Corona rules and your counterpart doesn’t, you are in a dilemma. Nobody gets away with it. The best thing is that everyone creates an understanding of their situation by describing their situation. One should accept that on both sides and take it calmly.

Holger Lengfeld
Managing Director and Professor of Sociology, University of Leipzig

In families, partnerships or with close friends, people felt a mutual affection and mutual obligation. “In coronavirus discussions, you will find ways to balance things out or take similar opinions from the outset,” the sociology professor suspects.

What should corona convalescents and vaccinated people do?

Can vaccinated people behave reasonably ‘normally’ with each other again? Almost all of us are vaccinated at work. My grandma and grandpa will soon be vaccinated for the second time. Can I hug her again?

Denise Gloge
from Dresden

As long as there is not enough vaccine in the country and not enough people can be vaccinated, the infectiologist Prof. Dr. Michael Borte on caution and solidarity. Corona convalescents and vaccinated people should also keep their distance, ventilate, follow the hygiene rules and wear masks. “We owe that to everyone who has not yet been vaccinated or cannot be vaccinated because of serious illnesses,” said Borte, who is also a member of the Saxon vaccination commission. And: You also don’t know whether there really are no outbreaks of a new Covid19 infection after a vaccination.

It is sensible and also appropriate to keep wearing the masks and comply with the hygiene rules on sight – at least until the end of summer. There is no getting around it. What happens after that will be seen.

Prof. Uwe Liebert

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