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Come on, Take Care of Lung Health with These 4 Effective Ways

Paru-paru. Foto: Vivado

jpnn.com – Lungs that are not kept healthy can be at risk of various diseases.

Dangerous infections that can attack the lungs, such as pneumonia.

Salt water is quite commonly used as a natural treatment for several conditions. In fact, drinking salt water is claimed to maintain the health of the lungs.

However, in fact drinking salt water is not the right treatment for lung problems.

Compared to drinking salt water for the lungs, it is better for you to maintain lung health in various ways that have been proven to be effective.

1. Don’t forget to vaccinate. There are several vaccines available to prevent certain types of flu and pneumonia.

Consult a doctor if you want to get these vaccines.

2. Keep your house and surroundings clean. Clean the house every day so that there is no dust and dirt that can trigger respiratory infections.

Lungs that are not kept healthy can be at risk of various diseases. Dangerous infections that can attack the lungs, such as pneumonia.


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