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Combustion engine ban and environmental regulations: Does it really make a difference?

Governments and cities around the world are trying to limit CO2 emissions from cars with driving bans and environmental zones. In Germany alone, there are currently 39 environmental zones, each with different rules and schedules. In addition, over the past few years the EU has adopted a complex framework of pollutant and exhaust emissions standards, which in turn influence vehicle taxes and driving bans. According to the 2024 Automobile Barometer “Motorists are in a fog” by Consors Finanz, people are finding it increasingly difficult to keep track of everything. According to the study, 44 percent of respondents in this country do not feel well informed about the current regulations. Worldwide, 50 percent agree with this statement.

Actually makes sense, but …
The majority of consumers show an understanding of environmental measures. 74 percent can understand the reasons for driving bans and the like (72 percent worldwide). 60 percent also understand how the various rules can specifically solve current problems (also 60 percent worldwide).

However, if you look at the individual measures, doubts emerge. 61 percent of Germans surveyed believe that environmental zones are a necessary means of improving air quality (66 percent worldwide), but at the same time 64 percent believe that they are ultimately not sufficient to achieve this goal (58 percent worldwide).)56 percent of Germans are also convinced that the ban on combustion engines is necessary (63 percent worldwide). However, almost the same number of respondents (59 percent) do not believe that the ban is an effective means of combating environmental pollution.

Apart from that, around 80 percent of consumers in Germany and worldwide feel that the measures are socially unjust, and many feel that the timetables for implementing individual measures are too ambitious. For example, when it comes to the introduction of environmental zones, 67 percent of Germans surveyed (70 percent worldwide) believe that things are happening too quickly. When it comes to the combustion engine ban, 68 percent in Germany and 70 percent worldwide see it that way.

Measures have no influence on purchasing behavior
Diesel, petrol or electric car? Environmental regulations currently have little influence on the purchase decision itself. Here, consumers are more pragmatic. Only 23 percent of Germans would be willing to buy a new car in order to be able to use environmental zones. By comparison, 27 percent worldwide would consider this. The exception is China. There, 54 percent of respondents would replace their current car in order to be able to pass the environmental zone. Some of those surveyed also expect more support from manufacturers. 31 percent of Germans demand a guarantee from car manufacturers that the car can drive in all environmental zones now and in the future. Only 24 percent worldwide think this.

The mindset has long since opened up to electromobility

Bernd Brauer, Head of Mobility at Consors Finanz, states: “The current regulations seem to play a rather minor role in the purchase decision. If you look at the Europe-wide figures for new registrations for electric cars, we have been in the midst of a technological change for some time now. Consors Finanz, as a financial services provider, also welcomes this development. We support our customers and dealers in the transition to electromobility with attractive offers.”

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