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Combined Vaccine Triggers Stronger Immune

LONDON – A recent study in the UK confirmed that administering a combination of AstraZeneca and BioNTech vaccines can trigger a stronger immune response than giving two doses of AstraZeneca.

“The results of the study suggest that the combined administration of two different vaccines may be more than just an emergency solution,” the news agency wrote BBC, Monday (2/8).

Researchers at the University of Oxford found that people who received an injection of one dose of AstraZeneca, and four weeks later followed by a dose of the BioNTech-Pfizer vaccine developed higher levels of antibodies than those who received two injections of AstraZeneca.

In this trial researchers at Oxford gave various combinations of vaccines to 830 volunteers aged over 50 years. As a result, respondents who received two injections of BioNTech developed the most antibodies, followed by those who received the first injection of AstraZeneca and were combined with the second dose of BioNTech. Vaccination with the reverse order of this combined vaccine, also produced more antibodies than the two doses of AstraZeneca vaccine.

Similar research results were also shown by researchers at the University of Saarland, Germany. The researchers confirmed that those who received the first injection of AstraZeneca and the second BioNTech-Pfizer showed a stronger immune response than patients who received two doses of the same vaccine, either AstraZeneca or BioNTech.

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In this study, participants who received one of the two combination injections produced about 10 times more antibodies than those who received two injections of AstraZeneca.

In terms of antibody development, two doses of BioNTech vaccination and the combination of AstraZeneca-BioNTech were significantly more effective than two doses of AstraZeneca vaccine.

Meanwhile the results of the CombivacS trial in Spain, conducted at the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid, came to the same conclusion. Preliminary results of this study are reported in a scientific journal Nature.

Magdalena Campins, a researcher on the CombivacS study at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona reported that those who had received the full combined vaccine combination started to produce significantly higher levels of antibodies after the second injection.

Saran WHO

So, from all the research results, does it mean it’s time to change the world’s immunization approach to combined vaccination for everyone? Maybe now is not the time, because it is only preliminary research, without comparative research and studies from independent scientists.

In addition, researchers do not have enough information so far to know why the combination of these two vaccines can increase immunity and how the vaccines interact.

Despite the promising initial results, the World Health Organization (WHO) still advises against combining vaccines. “To date, there is insufficient data to assess whether this is a safe approach,” said WHO spokeswoman Margaret Harris. BBC/DW/I-1

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Editor : Ilham Sudrajat

Writer : Ilham Sudrajat

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