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Combatting Unfit Housing in Hérault: A Practical Guide and Sanctions for Property Owners

Par Metropolitan Writing
Published on August 10, 23 at 11:48 See my news Follow Métropolitain The fight against unfit housing is a daily occurrence in Hérault (© Adil)

The fight against unfit housing continues in Herault. The prefect has thus just sanctioned a two-unit owner considered “undecent” to Murviel-les-Beziers and to Thezan-les-Beziers. With the key, a salty fine to be paid of 6,000 euros.

The prefecture of Hérault recalls that, “are considered as unworthy habitats, dwellings, buildings and premises that are unhealthy and unsuitable for habitation (health risk), dwellings and buildings where lead is accessible (risk of lead poisoning) ; buildings threatening to ruin, in danger (risk of insecurity) and furnished hotels deemed “dangerous”.

The law also prohibits the rental of accommodation, the condition of which “cannot guarantee the health, safety and vital well-being of its occupants”.

A practical guide

And practical Guide as prevention exists: the Caf and theAdil de l’Hérault as part of their partnership actions, have joined forces to produce this decent housing guide and make it available to the public, as well as to professionals and, more broadly, to all housing stakeholders. Designed to make it possible to recognize non-decent housing and to identify the steps and remedies to bring it into conformity, it includes a self-assessment grid, model letters and an address book to facilitate the implementation of legal dispositions.

Adil de l’Hérault is a member of the departmental center for the fight against unfit housing and contributes to the various actions or works that may be undertaken in this context. The missions of Adil 34 in this area relate to the definition of unfit housing situations and particularly to the rights and protection of occupants: definition of unfit housing, procedures for combating unfit housing, protection of occupants, the mayor, the president of intercommunality and the fight against substandard housing, finally, the systems of prior authorization and declaration of rental.

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2023-08-10 10:07:15
#Herault #Biterrois #fine #owner #nondecent #accommodations

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