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Combatting Rainy Season Physique: 3 Teas and 3 Tricks Recommended by Chinese Medicine Practitioner


Li Junyi said: Drinking “Obesity Removing Dampness Tea”, “Stimulating Muscles Removing Dampness Tea” and “Metabolism Removing Dampness Tea” can help the body eliminate moisture; the picture shows the situation. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]It has finally rained in Taipei recently, but the weather is sweltering and hot, which makes people feel sticky and uncomfortable. Chinese medicine practitioner Li Junyi said that the physical discomfort is due to a problem with the circulation of the body surface. The body sweats due to the high temperature, but the humidity is too high to successfully discharge water vapor, which causes the body’s damp heat problem. He said that people who are sedentary, blowing air-conditioning all the time, and obese people are prone to have a rainy season physique. He gave 3 tricks 3 kinds of teas can solve the symptoms of the rainy season, including: turn on the dehumidifier, drink water during exercise, lose weight, and drink “obesity dehydration tea”, “soothing tendon dehydration tea”, and “metabolism dehydration tea”.

Li Junyi in “Li Fat, Physician of Immortal Chinese Medicine Doctor Li Junyi“The article stated that the moisture of the human body is mainly discharged from the three major routes of breathing, body surface and excretion. Every breath a person exhales will contain a slight amount of water vapor. This is also the mist that is often seen when exhaling in winter. The surface is full of sweat pores. After sweating, the heat on the surface of the body evaporates the sweat, so that the body temperature can be adjusted. Finally, the excrement of the human body, whether it is urine or feces, contains a lot of water, and insufficient water is easy to cause Stones and constipation.

People prone to rainy season

sedentary person‍: Li Junyi pointed out that the characteristic of water is that it will flow down. People who sit for a long time are prone to calf edema. In addition, the weather is hot and humid, and the calf drainage is not easy, which makes the calf sore and swollen. Such people cannot sleep well without lifting their legs every night.

person who keeps blowing air-conditioning: Li Junyi said that not sweating is a disease of modern civilization. If a person works in an air-conditioned room for a long time, the capillary pores of the whole body will shrink, sweat cannot be released, and the whole body will feel stuffy and encased.

Obese people: Li Junyi said, “Fat people have more phlegm and dampness.” Chinese medicine has said this for thousands of years. Obesity will lead to weak spleen and stomach, and spleen and stomach problems will make the body more humid. Common symptoms are low back pain, muscle pain, gastrointestinal indigestion, abdominal distension and chest tightness.

3 ways to solve the symptoms of the rainy season

Turn on the dehumidifier: When the humidity of the environment drops, the physical discomfort will be reduced. Although it is a temporary solution, it is necessary to treat the symptoms first and then the root cause.

exercise drink water: Exercising and sweating, drink water to replenish water, let the body water circulation smoothly, good water does not become wet.

lose weight: Decrease body fat → lose weight and fat can reduce body moisture and keep your body healthy. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

3 kinds of wet tea

●Obesity dampness removal tea ingredients: Hawthorn 3g, Poria cocos 3g, barley 3g, tangerine peel 2g, cinnamon 2g, licorice 3g.

●Stimulate tendons and dampness tea ingredients: 3g heterophylla, 3g cassia twig, 3g barley, 2g angelica, 2g papaya, 3g licorice.

●Metabolism and dampness removal tea ingredients: Woody 3g, Poria 3g, Job’s tears 3g, Chenpi 2g, Huoxiang 2g, Licorice 3g.

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2023-06-01 06:40:00

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