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Combatting Negative Thoughts with Exercise: Benefits for Arthritis Patients

Exercising with negative thoughts ‘stops’… “Exercise is essential to prevent decreased muscular endurance and worsening pain and inflammation.”

Entered 2023.11.15 09:10 Views 4 Entered 2023.11.15 09:10 Modified 2023.11.15 04:07 Views 4

Arthritis patients benefit from moving their bodies in the water. A variety of physical activities are possible, such as walking in the water, water aerobics (aqua aerobics), therapy, cycling, and swimming, and are relatively safe and effective. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]A study has shown that older arthritis patients tend to engage in much less physical activity due to negative thoughts about aging, suggesting that improvement is needed.

A research team at Cornell University School of Medicine and the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS) said this was the result of a survey of 99 arthritis patients aged 60 or older.

Dr. Sarah Lieber, a rheumatologist and lead author of the study, said, “Physical activity, such as light exercise, is essential for older arthritis patients. “This is very helpful in reducing pain and stiffness, increasing the ability to move, and maintaining independence.” She brought it to my attention, saying, “If you don’t move your body because it hurts, the symptoms of arthritis, such as pain and inflammation, will get worse.”

However, if you recklessly engage in high-intensity exercise for a long time, like the general public, something serious can happen. At first, it is advisable to move your body briefly, about 5 to 10 minutes. However, it is a good idea to do warm-up and cool-down exercises for 5 to 10 minutes each. Sports activities include water sports (walking in the water)·aerobic· Therapy, swimming), walking, and biking are some of the most popular.

In particular, underwater exercise can greatly reduce the impact of body movement on the joints due to the buoyancy of water. The resistance of water helps improve muscle strength and endurance. Aquatic exercise increases your overall well-being by reducing joint pain and stiffness, improving flexibility and range of motion, and improving your mood. Former President Kim Dae-jung is known to have engaged in underwater exercise during his time in office.

The research team conducted a survey of 10 verified items, including the participants’ weekly physical activity level and feelings about the aging process, and analyzed them. As a result, older arthritis patients who participated in the survey were found to engage in much less recommended physical activity due to negative thoughts about their aging.

“Exercise is beneficial for everyone, but people with rheumatic diseases can especially benefit from it,” says Dr. Lieber.

The research team presented these results at the American College of Rheumatology’s annual meeting held in San Diego until the 15th (local time).

2023-11-15 00:11:17

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