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Combating Organized Crime and Eliminating Evil: Progress Report 2023

  The sharp sword eliminates evil and protects the peace and prosperity of the country and the people.

  Regularly carry out the campaign against organized crime and eliminate evil, continue to deepen and become more practical

opening line

The journey of thousands of miles is going strong, and we will work hard to write a new chapter. In 2023, political and legal agencies across the country will thoroughly study and implement Xi Jinping’s thought on the rule of law, strive to promote the modernization of political and legal work, and fully fulfill their responsibilities and missions of safeguarding national political security, ensuring overall social stability, promoting social fairness and justice, and ensuring that people live and work in peace and contentment. In solid efforts to promote Safe China and the rule of law in China We have launched a series of solid measures in building, adhering to and developing the “Maple Bridge Experience” in the new era, adhering to strict law enforcement and fair justice, combating telecom and network fraud crimes, promoting the resolution of conflicts and disputes, legalizing petition work, and building political and legal teams, and have achieved great results. Remarkable results. From now on, this newspaper will open a column “Strive to Promote the Modernization of Political and Legal Work” to show the new progress and new results achieved in political and legal work in 2023 from all aspects and angles. stay tuned.

□ Reporter Dong Fanchao

Scientific planning and careful organization. In the past year, the Central Political and Legal Affairs Commission and the National Anti-Crime Office, together with member units in various regions, have thoroughly implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the central government’s decision-making and deployment on promoting the normalization of combating gangs and evil, and firmly established a people-centered development concept , implement the anti-organized crime law, always maintain a high-pressure posture to crack down on gangster crimes whenever they appear, and promote “handling cases, opening umbrellas, cutting off wealth, and fighting chaos” in an integrated manner. The social security situation continues to improve, and the people have a sense of gain and happiness. , the sense of security is significantly enhanced.

Keep exerting your strength and achieve success over a long period of time. Each and every criminal case was handled in accordance with the law, each criminal was brought to justice, and batches of “protective umbrellas” were uprooted… The powerful offensives of various political and legal agencies against the criminal forces were like thunder to clean up the filth. , sweeping out the bright world and full of righteousness, guarding the peace and contentment of the country and the peace of the people.

Focus on clue verification

Comprehensively attack the bottom line

“The whistleblower’s report, exposure, and clues should be as detailed as possible, including the victimization process, basic information about the person being reported, valid URLs, links, webpage screenshots, online transaction records and other materials for committing crimes…” In order to further promote The normalized campaign against organized crime and evil continues to be carried out in depth in the field of information networks. In March 2023, the Chongqing Municipal Public Security Bureau launched a special operation to crack down on and punish network-related organized crime and extensively collected relevant clues from the people.

Combating organized crime and eradicating evil is a people’s war, and the people have the greatest expectations and the most say in the work of combating organized crime and eradicating evil.

The National Anti-Crime Office gives full play to the role of the 12337 reporting platform, collects and summarizes clues for reporting crimes involving gangs and crimes, and promotes verification, providing important support for combating crimes involving gangs and crimes. As the main force in combating organized crime forces, in 2023, public security agencies across the country adhered to the policy of cracking down hard in accordance with the law, dismantling more than 1,900 criminal organizations involved in organized crime and cracking down on 29,000 criminal cases of various types.

In May 2023, the Anhui Provincial Leading Group for Combating Gangs and Evil Struggles deployed and carried out a clearing operation to clear out all clues related to gangs and crimes. It comprehensively cleared the existing clues since the special campaign in 2018, and repeatedly investigated and investigated the clues that have not yet been investigated and those that have been investigated. Conduct verification and attack on key clues such as reports.

The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region organized a special rectification campaign on gang-related and evil-related issues such as bullying people and infringing on collective interests. It initially checked 636 gang-related and evil-related clues and concluded 7 cases. It resolutely rectified the people and things that happened around the people and infringed on the interests of the people. . We will continue to deepen the special campaign against Internet-related crimes, eliminate 6 Internet-related criminal organizations such as telecommunications network fraud, online nude chat and extortion, and effectively purify the network environment.

Suppressing gangs and eliminating evil is a “national action” and a “popular project”. All localities continue to promote the clearing of clues, improve the disposal process, implement provincial supervision of key clues, and municipal level coverage, so as to achieve “everything is responded to and everything is implemented.”

Focus on major cases

Promote in-depth investigations

On May 6, 2023, the gavel fell, and the Intermediate People’s Court of Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region made a final ruling. Huang, the leader of Guilin’s first “black property” evil criminal group, was sentenced to 18 years in prison and fined 160,000 yuan. Yuan, and 14 others were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment.

In the past year, all localities have persisted in striking hard, resolutely eradicating major gangster organizations, launched major case investigations, strengthened supervision and guidance, listed a number of major gangster cases, and resolutely eradicated evil.

In September 2023, the National Anti-Crime Office will supervise the handling of key cases, continue to implement the system of case supervision by the deputy director of the National Anti-Crime Office, and promote breakthroughs in a number of “nail cases” and “bone cases”.

The Hunan Provincial Public Security Department adopts a model of “provincial and departmental coordination, leaders taking charge of the case, and dedicated personnel to monitor the case” for major and complex cases, and comprehensively adopts measures such as designated jurisdiction, remote police deployment, and expert support to fully promote case handling; adhere to the “provincial and departmental coordination” of public security and disciplinary inspection “Double special teams” operations, “anti-criminal” and “umbrella” operations are deeply integrated and efficiently synchronized; give full play to the advantages of big data technology, and the assets involved in the case should be fully investigated and controlled.

The Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has deployed a special operation to clear out and deal with clues on gang-related corruption and “protective umbrella” issues across the province. It has comprehensively summarized clues on problems such as complaints and reports from the masses, refined responsibility measures, clarified time limits, and implemented classified disposals. Continue to push forward, reconcile accounts and cancel accounts.

The sword will not be sheathed, and the horse will not leave the saddle. All localities have organized regular special inspections to combat gangs and evil. Through case supervision, organizing training sessions, and issuing guiding cases, they have guided all localities to adhere to legal thinking and legal methods, and resolutely achieve the goal of “not letting go of anyone who is a gangster.” It’s not just a bunch of black and evil people.”

Focus on regular treatment and long-term effect

Deepen source governance

Not long ago, the People’s Procuratorate of Xinwu District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province paid a return visit to see the results of the procuratorial recommendations on combating gangs and evil. All the community residents interviewed had bright smiles on their faces.

From 2012 to 2021, Luo Mouming gathered more than 10 released prisoners and idle people in the border area of ​​Suzhou and Wuxi to carry out organized fights, provocations, intentional injuries, false accusations and frame-ups using violence, threats and other means. and other crimes, and opened casinos in the woods and under highway bridges in the border area of ​​Suzhou and Wuhan. Later, Luo Mouming was sentenced to 20 years in prison, deprived of political rights for two years, and confiscated all personal property for nine counts, including organizing and leading a mafia-type organization.

Although the case has been decided, the problems exposed cannot be ignored. The border area between Suzhou and Xi’an where Luo Mouming’s gang-related gang is located has high mobility of people, complex social security situation, and difficult management. To this end, the Xinwu District Procuratorate formulates and issues procuratorial recommendations to relevant departments, promotes the signing of an agreement between Suzhou and Wuxi to deepen regional police cooperation, and achieves joint research and judgment on concatenated cases by establishing a police cooperation liaison group, convening joint meetings, and carrying out joint special operations. Information Sharing. Today, the violent crime rate in the border area between the two places has dropped significantly, and the social security situation continues to improve.

In the past year, all localities have comprehensively strengthened the basic work of combating organized crime and eliminating evil forces at the grassroots level, strengthened source control and comprehensive rectification, and resolutely eradicated the breeding ground for organized crime forces.

The National Anti-Crime Office, together with relevant industry authorities, has carried out in-depth rectification in the three major industries of education, financial lending, and market circulation, and has dealt with a number of industry-related chaos issues that have been strongly reported by the public in accordance with the law, and has further improved the long-term mechanism to prevent the growth and spread of evil forces. . We will continue to improve the system and mechanism to prevent and rectify “village tyrants”, maintain a severe crackdown on crimes committed by rural family clan gangs and evil forces, and effectively maintain social security and stability in rural areas.

People’s courts at all levels in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have combined the regular campaign against gangs and evil with the rectification of key industries and judicial protection of minors, and severely cracked down on “routine loans” implemented by gangs and organized forced prostitution of minors. and other crimes, and concluded a number of major criminal cases involving criminal forces. At the same time, 20 judicial suggestions were issued to relevant departments to promote industry governance, fill in system shortcomings, and eliminate hidden risks.

The Shanxi Provincial Procuratorate closely focuses on the goals and tasks of the regular campaign against gangs and evil, focusing on punishing criminal crimes that infringe on the rights and interests of enterprises and the personal and property rights of enterprise personnel, so as to create a safe and stable social environment. Focus on punishing economic crimes that disrupt market order and infringe on corporate property rights and legitimate rights and interests, effectively safeguard fair competition, and create an honest and orderly market environment.

The strong wind stirs up the filth, but the righteousness brightens the universe.

Looking forward to the future, all localities will persist in long-term struggle, crack down in accordance with the law, treat both symptoms and root causes, and provide precise supervision, further improve the level of legalization, standardization, and professionalism, and fully promote the in-depth development of normalized anti-gang and anti-evil activities, creating opportunities for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. A safe and stable social environment.

2024-01-09 18:27:13
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