Home » today » Sport » Combat sports: the firm of a former close to the Hells can organize galas

Combat sports: the firm of a former close to the Hells can organize galas

The New Era Fighting & Promotion firm obtains a permit to organize boxing and mixed martial arts galas, but its president, who has already had links with the Hells Angels, will have to adopt “irreproachable behavior”.

This is what the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ) specifies in its decision which was made public Thursday, two months after holding public hearings on the request of this firm.

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The managers of the organization which oversees combat sports in Quebec believe that it is “more than probable” that the promoter Yan Pellerin and his firm have “the necessary integrity” to become the third official organizer of this industry in the province. And this, despite the reservations expressed by the Sûreté du Québec.

“For the moment, it seems clear that for more than 10 years, Yan Pellerin has not had a direct or even indirect and sufficiently close link [avec les motards] which could raise concerns about the interference of organized crime in the field of combat sports if New Era obtains its annual organizer permit, ”concludes the RACJ.

Members of the SQ had notably recalled that Pellerin had already frequented members of the Hells and participated in two of their golf tournaments in the past.

The SQ and the RACJ’s litigation department also said they feared that the New Era firm was vulnerable to infiltration by criminal bikers who could be tempted to use it to carry out money laundering.

“It is only a fear of infiltration which is not supported by any real or concrete fact”, decided the managers Marc Savard and Natalia Ouellette.

Yan Pellerin, who said to consider the promoter Yvon Michel as his “mentor”, also committed in writing “to continue not to have any business and personal link” with anyone associated with the Hells Angels or the Mafia .

The promoter, whose father is a retired SQ police officer, will also have to ensure “not to tolerate a show of force by criminal groups, by wearing their colors, during his events”, he told him. imposed the RACJ.

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