Home » today » World » Combat Reconnaissance, Northern Flank: A new Kursk Arc forms, but in reverse – 2024-10-07 07:38:48

Combat Reconnaissance, Northern Flank: A new Kursk Arc forms, but in reverse – 2024-10-07 07:38:48

/ world today news/ In fact, Kiev fears that the offensive will end with an escape to the Polish border.

According to some popular Telegram channels and bloggers, on the night of May 12, the armed forces of Ukraine managed to repel the Russian military in various sectors of the front. They even began to talk about the beginning of the long-awaited “counterattack” of the armed forces of Ukraine.

However, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation said that these reports were not true. According to the official statement, “statements circulated by individual Telegram channels about ‘defence breaches’ carried out in various parts of the Line of Contact are untrue.”

The ministry claims that “as of 10:00 p.m. on May 11, 2023, there were no active actions in the Kupyan direction.”

At the same time, the Ministry of Defense stated that “the general situation in the area of ​​the special military operation is under control.”

The deputy commander of one of the tank regiments in the Avdeev direction told RIA Novosti that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not taking any offensive actions in this section of the front.

“… Allegedly, the enemy is trying to… gather their forces, but the situation says otherwise, that no one is moving anywhere, no activity (of Ukrainian troops) has been noticed,” said the interlocutor of the agency.

Earlier, the founder of the “Wagner” group Yevgeny Prigozhin reported that in the direction of Artyomovsk “Ukrainian units of the armed forces entered the flanks and, unfortunately, succeeded in some places.”

“We are still going to Artemovsk to close it. … The plan of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is in effect: we go to hit them, they hit us,” Prigozhin was quoted as saying by his press service.

He also pointed out that the Ukrainian military used trained forces equipped with the necessary equipment during the offensive.

Telegram channel colonelcassad indicates that the armed forces of Ukraine managed to push the Russian military to the flanks in the Artyomovsk region, but in the city itself the “musicians” continue to control the territory. Telegram channel WarGonzo reports that Russian armed forces have repelled an enemy attack on Mayorsk.

Military expert, retired colonel Mykhailo Tymoshenko believes that it is still too early to talk about offensive actions of the armed forces of Ukraine.

– The actions of the enemy that took place can rather be called trial sorties. He “probes” our blade, looking for holes, weak spots. For example, the appearance of combat groups in some areas is intended to see the reaction of our military, to understand what types of weapons will open fire.

“SP”: Why does this not look like the promised offensive?

– We do not see the proper preparation of the rear – the deployment of hospital, repair and technical bases. Air support for the actions of military groups is not noticeable. The use of Buk, Tor, S-300 air defense systems is also not observed – only MANPADS are used.

The means of communication are also not deployed. It is difficult to assume that in the next week, even two, the armed forces of Ukraine will begin to attack. Some local hits are of course possible. But as they prepare, they conduct scouting with combat.

“SP”: Where should we expect the main strike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

– If you look at the front line, it is almost curved at a right angle. The Armed Forces of Ukraine get maneuver in the internal operational direction and are in a more advantageous position.

That is, in some ways the situation resembles the Battle of Kursk: one side is inside, the other is outside. Then the Germans were outside, our troops were inside this turn. And now we are outside and the enemy is inside.

“SP”: Does the discord between Prigozhin and the Ministry of Defense reflect a different view of the situation or is it part of some information game?

– There are many things, of course, unclear. We still do not know how the “Wagnerians” and the regular units of our armed forces are related. However, there is some interaction between them. After all, not on the basis of friendship.

Recently, Sergey Surovikin was appointed as an intermediary between the Wagner Group and the Ministry of Defense. There is a legitimate question as to why this has not been done before?

In addition, we see that Prigozhin is constantly on the front line – in the zone of military operations.

There, unfortunately, our big bosses are rare. Had they been present, many war correspondents would also have been there recording the shortcomings of the interaction. And since the vision of the situation is different, the manifestation of emotions is also quite understandable.

Military expert, columnist of the Rossiya Segodnya media group, Alexander Khrolenko, also believes that there is no counteroffensive by the armed forces of Ukraine.

– The latest reports from the SVO zone, information from Ukrainian and Western sources do not speak in favor of the fact that Ukrainian troops have gone on the offensive.

“SP”: How then do you explain the information wave that arose on the night of May 12?

– This is the spreading of rumours, the work of CIPSO. Maybe the hosts of our Telegram channels are abusing something. But in reality, as they say, nothing is happening on the ground to testify to the offensive actions of the Ukrainian army.

They write about some columns of equipment. This is one element of disguise. It can be masked by the media or reality can be masked by mimicking an activity. Say, if a column of cars passes in the morning in one direction, and in the evening in another, will it be one or two columns? This is the kind of stuff we’re talking about.

“SP”: They write about the activity of the armed forces of Ukraine in the Artyom region.

– And when was it quiet there in the last seven or eight months? There is constant activity, its bursts and declines are observed. And there is no reason to say that there is an offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

An offensive is when groups of troops of 20-30 thousand or more people act simultaneously on a wide front for hundreds of kilometers, preferably 100-300 thousand. But we don’t see it.

We monitor the activity of company, battalion tactical groups. At most three to five tanks will advance somewhere, get hit, then fall back to their original positions with losses.

“SP”: Why does the Ukrainian side act like this?

– More and more evidence indicates that Kiev seeks under any pretext to postpone the promised counter-offensive or even cancel it completely. The risks are too great, the unpreparedness of the armed forces of Ukraine for offensive actions is too obvious.

The ratio of troops and equipment testifies to this. The Armed Forces of Ukraine have a certain superiority in personnel. But what staff? These are yesterday’s civilians, completely unfit for combat, unmotivated.

We have seen materials on the Internet about how people are mobilizing in Ukraine. Like criminals, animals are caught and driven to the contact line.

The second echelon of the National Guard has been known to go there to prevent the conscripts from escaping. But this is not an army, but its appearance.

If we talk about equipment and ammunition, then Russia surpasses not only the Ukrainian army, but also the NATO bloc, which is sometimes forgotten. According to Western sources, Russia has 12,000 tanks. This is more than in the entire North Atlantic Alliance.

If NATO military support for Ukraine’s armed forces ends, they will disband in a week because they will have nothing to fight with. And now they do not have the necessary number of weapons for offensive operations. Even their masters understand this.

“SP”: How then to explain the recent statements of the Secretary General of the alliance Stoltenberg that the armed forces of Ukraine have 98 percent of the necessary equipment, or the publication of the Bloomberg agency about equipment delivered for billions of dollars?

– This is pure demagoguery. In strategy, tactics have certain parameters that allow you to attack. They include the need for at least a threefold (preferably fourfold) superiority in forces and equipment, ammunition. This allows you to guarantee the success of the offensive.

With such demagoguery, Western figures try to mislead their citizens. It is a virtual reality in which they are immersed. And when tens, hundreds, thousands of graves appear on the ground, this is already another reality from which there is no escape.

So this counter-offensive could become another page of shame for NATO, because they signed up to support Ukraine to the last. And this counter-offensive could turn into a counter-retreat to the Polish borders.

And in the information sphere today there is a lot of opacity, because in the West they are considered to be great specialists in psychological warfare. True, their skills haven’t helped them much lately.

Translation: SM

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