Mercedes Santiago was looking forward to kissing her daughter who graduated this Friday from Columbia University with effort and sacrifice, working and studying at the same time.
“It was two years of great effort, no holidays, working late and doing homework all the time. But today we arrived and here we are,” said the girl Rosalie Polanco.
Polanco earned a master’s degree in Construction Administration and proudly displays his name in the graduate program.
“Here I am, playing ‘Construction Administration’.”
– That pride
“Very proud.”
Like her, hundreds of other students successfully completed this academic level and although the graduation ceremony had to be held on the university’s main campus, due to protests against the war between Israel and Hamas, The Columbia administration canceled the general event in Morningside Heights and instead there will be dozens of small graduations over the next few days.
One by one they received their diplomas for their professional studies at the Baker athletic field in Inwood, where there were no events of any kind.
“Our concern is that there might not be a graduation due to the protests, but hey, we understand what’s happening in the world and it felt a little bit like that, “said Eliecer Flores, another graduate. “There was a bit of confusion about that, but hopeful that we can at least celebrate that.”
Flores, who was born in Mexico, is a doctor and now has a master’s degree in applied analytics.
Adriana Childress is Puerto Rican, it wasn’t easy for her either.
“I feel very proud that I finished something that took me a long time to do and I’m the first in my family to graduate from an Ivy League school. And with everything that has happened in my life, marriage, complaints, sons, all this, because I feel very proud that I finished.
Polanco is from the Dominican Republic.
“I am the first person in my family to graduate from university. It is a very special achievement and I share it with my family, with my mother.”
“Of course, I have also given her a lot of support. I also tell her to keep going and go for more, always for more. Because I want her to always be better than us and to perform as well as she can. It’s as high as she can go,” said Mercedes’ mother.
– Is that pride?
“It’s a source of great pride for me,” said the mother.
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2024-05-10 20:00:00
#Columbia #University #graduates #equally #emotional #complaints