Colpensiones is hiring experts in blockchain and computational biology to involve that knowledge in the implementation of the pension reform that will come into full operation in the second half of 2025.
Mauricio Tovar, one of the advisors, will receive 180 million pesos in fees for a consultancy that lasts less than 6 months.
Tovar is recognized in the world of technology and particularly in topics such as BlockChain and cryptocurrencies.. He has had several TedTalks on the subject and has also been speaking at events organized by the MinTic. Tovar is CEO of Tru3Web ua firm that advises companies on the implementation of technologies associated with blockchain.
The work of Tovar is to tell Colpensiones what it should invest in so that its technological systems They measure up to the new pension scheme.
It is not the only innovative technology that Colpensiones is thinking about. The entity also targeted computational biology and signed a framework agreement with Bios.
Bios is a science and technology innovation center created with resources from the national government but also contributions from Microsoft, HP and the participation of several universities in the country, including the National University. Although Bios has not yet received resources, the agreement is the first step for Colpensiones to be able to assign budgets to it without the need to carry out a tender (since they would be direct contracts).
What doesn’t appear For now, the outlook is for hiring directly related to the expansion. of Colpensiones’ technology or customer service capabilities.
Until Now what the entity is doing is quoting the cost of new storage of data to build a possible tender.
The storage of data will be one of the critical operational points of the pension reform since Colpensiones will be the face of the system and will have to serve some 24 million members (which doubles and more the current number).
The quote includes the possibility that the storage may grow or shrink, according to the needs of the system.
For now, Colpensiones is connected to an information system together with private pension administrators which has allowed it to exchange information about members, their balances and their work histories in recent years.