coloring books about nature in Bogota. Author: The Reading Possum.
In it Bogota Environmental Observatory you can consult and download coloring books of birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles of the city. Put color to nature!
The books, from the publisherthe reading possum‘are part of different environmental education strategies created by two biologists from the National University in love with nature. “We believe that scientific dissemination can contribute to the profound transformation that Colombia needs”, say Sara Acosta and Rodrigo Mutis, the authors.
Birds in Bogota
The text and illustrations explain in a didactic way the natural history of the birds of Bogotá, each page is dedicated to a different bird. The book describes the species that we can find in ecosystems such as: Andean forest, wetlands, páramos, grasslands, rivers and streams or urban space.
In the book people will know the characteristics of these animals, their parts and the state of conservation of different species: extinct, threatened, least concern.
Birds are characterized in the first place by being the only current animals with feathers. They also lay eggs and have warm blood, although this characteristic is not exclusive to birds. On the pages of the book you can see the evolution of these animals.
Mammals in Bogota
Bogotá is a city with enormous biodiversity and much of that nature is unknown to most people. With this book, citizens will be able to learn in a didactic way about the biological richness of mammals, their threats and conservation strategies.
The publication registers, in the form of a catalog, most of the species of mammals that live with us in the different spaces of the Main Ecological Structure.

The group of mammals is currently one of the most diverse, in general we see them as hairy and very charismatic animals. However, defining them as a group with unique characteristics is somewhat difficult, and this is mainly due to their great diversity and their ability to occupy almost all existing habitats in the world.
Amphibians and reptiles in Bogotá
Unfortunately, the situation of amphibians in Bogotá is not very different from the national and global situation that these animals face. Of the 7 species of amphibians that inhabit our city, 5 are in some degree of danger of extinction. This means that unless concrete measures are taken to conserve them, they could disappear forever.
It is vital to take action to protect these species and their habitats, and this book is a tool to raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity conservation in our city and in the world.
Although in Bogotá the diversity of amphibians and reptiles is not as high as in other areas of the country, local populations face various pressures that threaten their survival, such as the destruction of their habitat. In addition, snake species are attacked by people who consider them a threat, although in reality all snake species in the city are harmless and serve a crucial ecological function.
Some characteristics that amphibians share only among themselves are that they have cutaneous respiration (through the skin), tiny teeth formed by two joined structures (pedicellates), and an additional bone in the ear. Amphibians go through a process of metamorphosis from larva to adult in which the body changes as it grows, these changes can be subtle or drastic.
They are small and ectothermic animals, which means that they cannot regulate their body temperature and depend on the external environment to maintain it. In the case of their eggs, they cannot hydrate themselves, so it is essential that they are in places with high humidity or preferably in water.