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Colonel Priyanto’s subordinates tell what happened before the Handi-Salsa collision


Subordinates Colonel Priyanto, namely Kopda Andreas Dwi Atmoko, explained what happened before the accident that hit the couple Handi Saputra (18) and Salsabila (14) in Nagreg, West Java. How’s the story?

This incident began when Colonel Priyanto and his two subordinates, namely Kopda Andreas Dwi Atmoko and Koptu Achmad Sholeh, departed from Yogyakarta for Jakarta. At that time, they passed Bandung and had time to go to a girl friend’s house Colonel Priyanto named Lala.

“From Yogya to Jakarta through Bandung, stop by Sister Lala’s house. As far as I know, the defendant’s female friend. The defendant has his wife. Picked up the defendant’s female friend. Didn’t spend the night,” said Kopda Andreas at the East Jakarta High Military Court II, Tuesday (15/3/ 2022).

At that time, they headed to Jakarta to accompany Colonel Priyanto on the agenda for the meeting in Jakarta. Colonel Priyanto with Lala and his two subordinates also spent the night in Jakarta.

“Continued the journey to Jakarta at 11.00 am. Arrived in Bandung at 09.00 am. Then to Cimahi. At 11.00 we continued again. Lala joined. So there were four of us. The goal was to have a meeting. At approximately 03.00 pm we arrived in Jakarta. Stayed one night. Monday night. The meeting is on Monday,” explained Kopda Andreas.

“Two rooms, witness two with three witnesses (Kopda Andreas Dwi Atmoko and Koptu Achmad Sholeh). The defendant was with Lala’s brother. At Hotel 88, the meeting was at the Aston Kartika Hotel,” he continued.

On Tuesday (7/12/2021), they traveled to Cimahi to take Lala home. After being delivered, Colonel Priyanto and two of his men continued their journey back to Yogyakarta.

“The meeting ended on Tuesday, December 7 at 12.00 noon. After the meeting headed to Bandung. Three witnesses were driving. From Jakarta at 12.15. Departing from Jakarta to Bandung at approximately 15.30,” said Kopda Andreas.

“Staying again at the Ibis Hotel. Witness two and witness three, the defendant is with Lala. Exiting the Ibis Hotel, heading to Yogya, leaving at 10.00 am. Heading to Yogya. Lala was escorted to Cimahi, not going to Yogya. So after that, to Yogya, after Cimahi,” he added.

He said, on the way to Yogyakarta that was the accident with Handi and Salsa occur. He called Handi and Salsa riding a motorcycle. They are said to be walking in the opposite direction and about to overtake a truck.

As he was about to overtake, he said, the motorbike hit the truck and fell into the path of the car that Colonel Priyanto et al were traveling in. Kopda Andreas as the person who was driving the car at that time admitted that he had braked the car, but still hit a motorcycle.

“We saw two drivers riding motorbikes without helmets, in opposite directions, behind the truck. The position was about to overtake the truck. nudge truck, “said Kopda Andreas.

“The victim from the opposite direction was thrown and fell first to the right of the truck into my lane brake, I hand brake. It was too close to a collision,” he continued.

Also watch the video ‘Colonel Priyanto’s Cruel Facts Refuse to Save Handi-Salsa’:

[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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