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Colon cancer warning light is this very common symptom that we always ignore

Many people deliberately ignore everything about the colon because they are afraid of the most terrible cancer news that can attack the human body. In fact, colon cancer accounts for about 14% of all cancer cases in the general population. In women it is even in second place after breast cancer, while for men it is in third place after prostate cancer.

First step, be vigilant

We are all always ready to talk about prevention, but when it comes to having a specialist colon exam, silence falls. Because it is often a painful and invasive exam. Here’s how to escape it as much as possible: keeping an eye on every symptom coming from our belly, especially after the age of 50. And following the advice collected by the ProiezionidiBorsa Health Experts. First of all, one might say, a change in eating habits. Like what needs to be done in other cases. For example, when we find ourselves with the too high blood glucose values.

First answer in ten minutes

Colon cancer indicator is this very common symptom that we always ignore, that is, a daily bowel movement that is too fast and frequent. Perhaps accompanied by abdominal pains on the left side. Be careful not to make a mistake: because the pains on the right side, up to the shoulder, involve another organ. Speaking of which, we remind you that “The liver cancer indicator is this very common symptom that we always ignore” . Returning to the colon, we usually attribute the pains to excessive consumption of chili, fruit or vegetables. But instead of guessing, here’s what we need to do: search for occult blood in the stool. It is a simple and non-invasive examination. You do it yourself with the kit that you buy at the pharmacy or on the web. In 10 minutes we will get an initial response. If it is positive, we immediately run to the doctor.

Colon cancer warning light is this very common symptom that we always ignore

The real conditions of our colon let’s investigate them with a specialist. If the symptom seems mild, we get by with a blood test and diet. But if a colonoscopy is needed, here’s the good news. Before doing the traditional internal one, there is the virtual one: an external Tac less precise but suitable for a reconnaissance.

The importance of intervening in time

If the CT scan reveals diseased cells, we must prepare. At that point, he recommends the Italian Society of Oncological Surgery, traditional colonoscopy is necessary. As well as the removal of benign polyps. But we choose accredited facilities for the colon. We don’t end up addressing only what is close to home. The specialized oncologies they are equipped with non-invasive microsurgery, endoscopy service and an analysis laboratory that can perform a very rapid tissue examination. Even during colon surgery.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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