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Colomiers. The start of postural stretching

As of Tuesday, September 1, the activities of the “C’est en vous” association resume in various columerated rooms. Each week, Nadia Neau offers 5 one-hour Postural Stretching sessions (Jean-Pierre Moreau method), in strict compliance with health instructions, with a number of participants adapted to the size of each room. The activity is aimed at all types of public: women, men, teenagers to the elderly. “The postures are built gradually, according to the capacities of each one”, recalls Nadia, “they are all adaptable according to the morphology, flexibility, temporary pathology (tendonitis, postoperative, etc.), or installed (osteoarthritis for example)”. The work of the deep muscles makes it possible to strengthen the postural structure and to associate tonicity and flexibility.

Other significant advantages: the practice relieves back problems, improves the body pattern, compensates for the effects of stress, supplements sports preparation. “From the first session, postural stretching acts on the mental or nervous level, revitalizes, releases tensions”, concludes Nadia. “I offer a trial class, just contact me (06 20 65 69 52) to set the date!”.

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