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Colomiers. The nautical space is running at full speed

Since the beginning of the summer, an establishment is particularly frequented by many Columérins and visitors from the near crown: the Jean-Vauchère nautical area. It must be said that with its indoor pools, slide, river, outdoor lagoon and adjoining restaurant bar, the place has everything to please in hot weather. This summer, with fewer restrictions than in the previous two years, Claude Raynal, director since 2018, is pleased with the attendance figures, “in week 28, from July 11 to 17, we are experiencing an increase of nearly 38% by compared to 2019”.

Taking advantage of the early rise in the mercury, the Jean-Vauchère nautical area opened its exteriors earlier than usual, starting in May. Accessible all year round, “the prices of the nautical space have not changed in 2022, it is a will of the mayor, Karine Traval Michelet”, announces Philippe Briançon, deputy delegate for sport, associative life and citizen. “The municipality did not want to subject families to higher prices for access to the pools when the question of purchasing power is currently at the heart of concerns.”

85 weekly opening hours

With its many adapted prices and the desire to welcome all populations, the columérin establishment, with its 85 weekly opening hours and its two night openings on Tuesdays and Thursdays should still attract many people until the end of the year. ‘summer. “We will be close to the attendance that we knew before the Covid period, namely nearly 400,000 visitors over the year” confirms its director. Including a maximum capacity of 1,140 bathers at any given time. To manage all this, the nautical area can count on 17 employees and 5 security guards. Its adjoining restaurant bar, “la Menthe à l’eau” offers all visitors a refreshing break while diversifying its entertainment during the summer with, among other things, concerts organized on Friday evenings. The Jean Vauchère nautical area is definitely putting all the assets on its side to please the greatest number of people over time.

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