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Colomiers. The Active Retreat resumes in the open air

In recent weeks, the Colomiers Retraite Active (CRA) section of Club Loisirs Léo Lagrange has resumed certain activities, in compliance with barrier gestures and health instructions: “day” or “half-day” hikes, Nordic walking, cycling, tennis , pétanque, archery, in particular. Finally, Qi-Gong (pronounced “chi-kong”), usually practiced indoors, is transferred to Parc Duroch, when the weather permits!

“It is with joy that we resumed outdoor practice at Parc Duroch on Tuesday mornings, since February 9!”, Rejoices teacher Véronique Berthier. “After these months of confinement and lessons by Zoom, it feels great to find ourselves and breathe fresh air. Every moment of practice has a tasty taste of spring! We enjoy the sun, the gentle wind, the beautiful colors of reborn nature … Retirees have suffered a lot psychologically from loneliness and lack of activities. They are so happy to be together and take care of themselves! “

It is still possible to register to join the group, beginners or regulars. “Art of youth, health and longevity”, Qi Gong comes from the ancient Chinese tradition. By slow and flexible movements, gentle and deep breaths, its practice restores good energy circulation in the acupuncture meridians. It makes it possible to welcome every moment of life, sensation, emotion, “by welcoming them, without rejecting anything”, concludes Véronique.

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