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Colomiers. Myp SWIMMING POOL takes advantage of the boom in online sales

Despite a capricious sun this summer, the weather was good for pool professionals. And it’s not Jean-Nicolas Le Gregam, founder of Mypiscine.com, Toulouse SME specializing in the online sale of swimming pool equipment, which will say the opposite. “I created this company in 2009 at the age of 23 when I was still a student, proudly recalls Jean-Nicolas Le Gregam. We are a 100% digital structure specializing in swimming pool, garden and well-being equipment. “.

Convinced that “nothing is too technical as long as it is explained” and taking advantage of the “do it yourself” trend that has accompanied the emergence of online shopping, the young founder decides to ride the wave and offers a complete catalog of swimming pool equipment online. And success was not long in coming. Located in Colomiers, the head office now has eleven employees. Despite a well-oiled machine, the Toulouse SME was surprised by the buying frenzy that hit the French during the Covid crisis. “In twelve years of activity, I had never seen that, remembers the founder. Stuck at home, the French rushed into online sales.” Overnight, the company goes from zero to 1,500 orders per day.

Results, “we have almost doubled our turnover. While we had achieved nine million euros in 2019, the year 2020 saw a turnover of 17 M €”, he figures .

20 million euros in 2021

A trend that continues in 2021. “This year we are on track to reach twenty million euros, whereas that was the figure planned for 2023”, welcomes Jean-Nicolas Le Gregam. The only downside is the shortage and inflation in the price of raw materials, which may complicate the future of the sector. “We are walking on eggshells because we have no visibility on the future,” warns the CEO. In order to avoid stock shortages and to keep control of prices, “we have already secured 60% of the stock for 2022, and we are aiming for 90% in two months.”

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