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Colomiers. Metro: 700M € and an expectation on employment

On Wednesday 3 November, after more than 2 years of procedure, the Tisséo Collectivités tender committee awarded Alstom the contract for the design, construction and maintenance of the transport system for the 3rd line of Metro, for an amount of 713 564 560 Euros excluding tax.

A particularly important step in the construction of the 3rd metro line has therefore just been taken, in the presence of Karine Traval-Michelet and Gérard André, vice-presidents of Toulouse Métropole and elected representatives of the Métropole Solidaire, Ecologique et Démocratique Group within Toulouse Metropolis.

Taking part in a favorable way to vote on this deliberation, Karine Traval-Michelet, mayor of Colomiers, praised the important work carried out by the Tisséo teams in this context, and underlined the importance of the financial commitment that this market constitutes. in a context particularly marked by the economic and social crisis: “Beyond the 140,000 hours of social integration planned within the framework of this contract, this public investment must support the recovery and benefit our territories by constituting a strong lever for employment “.

a monitoring unit

In response to his questioning on “the measures that will be implemented by Tisséo to ensure that these jobs benefit all those who are today affected by the crisis”, on “the measures that will be implemented with social partners and employment to prepare our job seekers for these new professions “, as well as” the concrete commitments of the company ALSTOM so that the economic benefits of a public investment of more than 700 million euros benefit our territories and our businesses in the long term “, the president of Tisséo Collectivités Jean-Michel Lattes is committed to providing all concrete answers, to setting up a monitoring unit, and to reporting regularly to the Union Council on these issues.

In their commitment within Tisséo Collectivités, Karine Traval-Michelet and Gérard André “will be mobilized and vigilant so that these subjects are followed with all the attention that the current situation requires”.

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