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Colomiers. Give your opinion to reinvent the city center

While the survey on the revitalization of the Plein-Center, which was held until the end of June, made it possible to collect 430 questionnaires, the study is continuing to redevelop the main shopping artery of the city as well as its surroundings. Until October 15, the population is invited to give their opinion via interactive and participatory mapping on a municipal platform *.

“The contributions are classified into three categories of issues: public spaces and places of life, shops, services and entertainment, travel and parking”, announces Karine Traval-Michelet, mayor of Colomiers. “These can be observations, proposals, suggestions, positive elements, avenues for improvement, problems … This allows us to go further than the survey by giving users carte blanche, while anticipating the urban walks that will be organized in the fall “.

Already comments

The notices are published in the form of geolocated comments on a map of Colomiers town center. They can be supplemented or replaced by a photo, a drawing, a diagram, so that everyone can participate in the way that suits them best. We can already read some comments.

Improving accessibility for the disabled, the need to create one-off events on rue du Center or even promoting the diversity of shops are among the first opinions posted on the internet platform. “This is an innovative form of participation, all the more relevant in the current health context,” added Julien Mithieux, town planner and director of the Interland agency which is leading the study.

Public meetings

The restitution of the investigations and the conclusions of the diagnosis is scheduled during two public meetings. First of all, a specific meeting with the traders on Monday, September 27, then a meeting open to all on Tuesday, October 19 at 8 p.m. at the Rex cinema.

In addition, urban walks will take place in the fall in order to identify in situ areas for improvement.

For 1h30, two groups will follow a circuit and write down their observations or questions.

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