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Colomiers. Film snack and sale of film posters

Christmas is coming ! The Véo Grand Central cinema opens the beginning of the festivities today at 3.30pm, with the screening of the animated short film program “Operation Santa Claus”, followed by a snack and entertainment.

Suitable for a young audience from 3 years old, “Operation Father Christmas”, directed by Marc Robinet and Caroline Attia, is very close to the graphic universe of Samuel Ribeyron, author, illustrator and volume decorator: the critics appreciated “a great moment of poetry and sweetness for all spectators”.

A spoiled child, William is used to getting everything from his parents. This year he’s asking Santa himself for a gift! To satisfy him, his father hires a famous wildcat hunter. Will William’s wish put an end to the magic of Christmas, as his young neighbor Alice fears? The two children will come together to experience an adventure that will become the most beautiful Christmas present in the world… Price: €6 (children under 14, €4.50).

Furthermore, on Saturday 17 December from 3 to 7 pm, the cinema is also organizing a large sale of film posters in the cinema room. An opportunity to buy real movie posters at a low price.

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