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Colomiers. Child protection support

A few days ago, Arnaud Simion, first deputy mayor, delegate for solidarity, met with the leaders of the Home and Family association, which works in the field of parenthood and child protection.

Created in 1930, the association’s mission is to protect children in physical and moral danger, and to support parents in difficulty. It defends the complementarity of parenting support and child protection. Hosted in the city’s early childhood center since June 2022, the association intervenes every other Saturday, as part of mediation meetings between a child and his parents (or a third party), following a court decision.

“Needs have been identified in our territory, and more broadly in western Toulouse, in terms of family mediation, parenting and child protection, explains Arnaud Simion. It was obvious for us to meet them. by providing municipal premises, allowing the association to organize its activities, for the benefit of families.”

The purpose of the meeting spaces is to support the maintenance or resumption of the child-parent or child-grandparent link in situations of separation, divorce or break-up.

“We work on a daily basis to support the family bond. We develop various services by supporting children in supporting or rebuilding the bond with their parents”, adds Michel Laulaigne, director of Accueil et Famille. “We are happy to be able to include our action in the family policies carried out by the municipality. The local services for the benefit of families allow us to act as closely as possible to needs. This deployment is also made possible by the support of local authorities such as the city of Colomiers, Toulouse Métropole and the departmental council of Haute-Garonne, as well as the State and the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales).

Since its opening in 2022, the association’s columérine branch has welcomed 11 families, i.e. 14 children aged between 6 months and 5 years, during 73 visits organized during the 16 Saturdays of opening.

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