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Colomiers. Break’in school in the race for the Mondial de Breakdance

In Occitania, fans of Hip-Hop dances and especially Breakdance, will long remember this month of May 2022.

Started with the tenth edition of the Nothing2Looz festival at Hall Comminges in Colomiers, it ends with an “incredible” perspective, as Abdel Chouari, director of this festival, founder and artistic director of the Break’In School association, says: ” Sunday, May 15, at the Zénith de Montpellier, we took part in the Battle Of The Year France (“BOTY France”), the mythical competition which corresponds to the French Breakdance championship. “Our young people (from 11 to 16 years old), from Break ‘In School, won the title! The Break’In Kids group won the “Best Show” prize and won the Battle Crew Kids, i.e. two titles of champions of France 2022. This is a first for the Occitanie region.”

“The seeds have sprouted”

“It’s a source of great pride for them of course, for their parents, but also for all the Break’In School staff”, he underlines. “They are 100% from our training. They come mainly from Colomiers, and also from the Toulouse metropolis. We have been training them for 3 to 5 years. They are our elite. We have been working with them on this objective of the French championships, since more than two years. In Montpellier, we were the only ones in this case: all the teams that register for the BOTY are created especially for this event, with members who come from all over. They meet and train specifically for this objective. Break’In School is therefore very proud of its students, and just as proud to wear the colors of the City of Colomiers, of the Region, at the highest level. We have formed our young shoots and the seeds have germinated, sprouted, flowered… This superb result proves the excellence of our school: we are indeed the benchmark Breakdance Training Center.”

Okinawa en vue

The adventure will not stop there, since the performance of the Break’In Kids qualifies them for the world championship which will take place in Okinawa (Japan), on December 4th. Maximilien, Mathias, Maxel, Mathilde, Léon, Jeanne-Lys, Diego, Arthur and Théo, and their coaches Abdel Chouari and Julien Maynadier, are preparing for it ardently.

The bar will obviously be very high in Okinawa: the Japanese are among the top teams in the world rankings, as are the Ukrainians, Belgians and Russians.

“We will work hard to make our place among the best in the world!” assures Abdel, who knows all these dancers well since they regularly participate in the Nothing2Looz Festival in Colomiers. Some were present there this year, for the resumption of Nothing2Looz “in physics” after two difficult years.

“This 10th edition was extraordinary, both in terms of artistic and sporting quality, and in terms of attendance. We had a full house and unfortunately we had to refuse entry to more than 200 people because we were limited to 1500 places.

We should really study with the City of Colomiers the possibility of going beyond this gauge for the next editions: the public can only grow, especially since Breakdance is making its debut at the Paris Olympic Games”.

“The audience was on their feet”

All the dancers present themselves applauded an exceptional audience.

“The atmosphere was huge, the audience was on their feet, many were also dancing, and when we announced a break they didn’t want it!”

Another very positive point, beyond communities and private partners, many Columérin merchants are now investing in the Nothing2Looz project through patronage, sponsorship, or donations.

Break’In School is now preparing its 11th edition, which will take place on May 13, 2023.

But the summer will also be hot: in addition to several activities planned in the region, it is necessary to prepare the meeting of the Break’In Kids at the world championship of Breakdance, which awaits them in Japan at the end of the year.

Battles Kids champions of France 2022: Botyfrance on Facebook

Ambitions for the Colomiers festival

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