08 November 2022
Caldas vaccinators ready for the FMD vaccination cycle
- A trained and up-to-date vaccinator builds trust in the country’s breeders.
- The second vaccination cycle against foot-and-mouth disease and bovine brucellosis will be carried out throughout the national territory between 8 November and 22 December 2022.
- For 45 days, more than 5,000 people, including vaccinators, programmers, transporters, veterinarians and technicians, will work to keep the country free from foot and mouth disease with vaccination.
- The Caldas department has a bovine census of close to 450,000 animals.
In laboratories led by ICA veterinarians and epidemiologists, vaccinators receive training on the correct compilation of the Single Vaccination Register, RUV, unvaccinated herd registers, vaccine identification, cold chain, management of adverse vaccine reactions, cleaning and hygiene, use of protective elements and handling of equipment, among other topics, which are part of the success of the vaccination cycle.
Data of interest
Vaccinators must comply with the following obligations during the vaccination cycle against foot-and-mouth disease and bovine brucellosis.
- Maintain the cold chain of organic products between 3 and 7 degrees maximum.
- Apply only the biological against foot and mouth disease and bovine brucellosis on vaccination days.
- Do not carry or apply biological products other than those for foot and mouth disease and bovine brucellosis.
- Vaccinate 100% of the animals in the premises found.
- Fill in the RUV for vaccination on the property after applying the two biologics.
- Keep needles and syringes clean and disinfected.
- In a bag found in any animal farm with symptoms compatible with foot and mouth disease, alert the Colombian Agricultural Institute.
- Do not vaccinate against foot-and-mouth disease on farms where there are animals with symptoms compatible with this disease.
- Vaccinate all calves between three and eight months for bovine brucellosis. This vaccine is applied only once in the life of the animal.
- Do not vaccinate males against bovine brucellosis.
- Vaccinate all cattle and buffaloes against foot and mouth disease.
- Notify and fill in the notification form in farms that do not want to vaccinate.
Obligations of breeders
- Allow vaccinators to enter the premises.
- Vaccinate all animals in the herd.
- Provide the information requested by the vaccinator during the process to complete the vaccination RUV.