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Cologno Monzese: Attacks a doctor and a pensioner, serial robber arrested

He had attempted to rob a CPS doctor in Cologno Monzese, taking away his bag containing his personal effects and the prescription pad. The predestined victim had managed to regain possession of the stolen goods thanks to the intervention of the security officer on duty in the health facility, who had blocked the criminal who had not hesitated to attack him to escape (but empty-handed).

A few days later, however, she managed to pull off another coup by targeting an elderly man, who was pushed into the street and stripped of his belongings, including the electronic card on which the inclusion income was paid.

Carabinieri arrest a serial robber

End of games (and raids) for a 37-year-old Italian woman, who in recent days received a precautionary custody order in prison following investigations conducted by the Carabinieri of Cologno Monzese. The local force managed to close the circle around her, tracing the two episodes that occurred in August to her. To prevent him from being involved again, the Prosecutor’s Office and the Court of Monza considered that the conditions for his transfer behind bars were in place.

First the attack on a doctor, then that on an elderly man

In the first case, that of the CPS, the 37-year-old’s plans were wrecked thanks to the intervention of the security guard. In the second episode, however, the victim (a 67-year-old pensioner) was pushed and thrown to the ground. The serial robber had also taken possession of the Inclusion Card, on which the economic contribution is paid monthly for people in difficulty which replaced the Citizenship Income.

So the robbery became even more despicable, because it was against an elderly citizen in need. With that same card, the 37-year-old then proceeded to make several withdrawals at ATMs, until she scraped together a sum equal to around one thousand euros.

The 37-year-old ended up in prison

Following the complaints filed by the doctor and the pensioner, the Cologne military immediately started investigations to give the criminal a face. And in recent days the prison doors have opened for her.

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