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Cologne: Porz triumvirate proclaimed – Armin Laschet with a message

Cologne-Porz –

Boundless jeck – the proclamation of the Porz triumvirate on Saturday evening (January 9th), despite the unusual circumstances, spread a touch of “normal Fastelovend” in the Porz district town hall.

When District Mayor Sabine Stiller presented Prince Leo II, Virgin Venetia and Farmer Gaius with the insignia of power, the few admitted spectators stood upside down – they had enough space. The proclamation was allowed to be carried out with guests in compliance with all rules and compliance with all requirements of the public order and health department.

As if the hall was filled to the last seat: the Klüngelköpp also provided a great program for the few spectators.

As with the presentation of the Porz triumvirate in September 2020. Because no other society has such a corona-compliant triumvirate in this session, where you can even cuddle.

The Porzer celebrated their trifolium – by far, but “a lot of hate”, as the Porzer already announced in a two-minute Facebook video (see below).

The ceremony was broadcast live from the Porzer Rathaus on Facebook and on www.porzer-carnival streamed, so that the proclamation of the plush star could also be experienced first hand by many junkies this year. Even if only a few viewers were able to be there live in the hall this time, you didn’t notice that in the program.

The guests at the proclamation of the Porz triumvirate

  • Guido Cantz
  • Klüngelköpp
  • Norbert Conrads
  • Reiner Axen
  • Erry Stoclose
  • Markus Galle

Reiner Axen, Erry Stoklosa and Markus Galle opened the program with “En our Veedel”. Porzer Guido Cantz had a home game.

Guido Cantz at proclamation Porzer Dreigestirn

He could not be missing: For the Porzer Guido Cantz it was a matter of course that he appeared at the proclamation of the triumvirate.

Another surprise that Rainer Czakalla from the Porzer Carnival Festival Committee is proud of was the video message from NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet (see video).

The Prime Minister praised the commitment of the Porzers: “They give people far beyond Cologne, far beyond Porz, the hope that one day we will be able to celebrate again as before. With swaying, with jacking, with singing, with the Veedelszügen. ”Laschet is looking forward to it and concluded his greeting with“ Kölle Alaaf ”.

The Cologne Festival Committee President Christoph Kuckelkorn with the Cologne triumvirate 2021 and the Cologne children’s triumvirate also insisted on sending in greetings: “With so much creativity nothing can go wrong.”

Porzer triumvirate: who or what is behind the characters?

  • Prinz Leo II: a ruler who can be seen in the coat of arms of Porz in the form of the Bergisch lion. A king and a man full of pride and power who, in this difficult time, has the strength to displace the virus and maintain our carnival.
  • Porzer Bauer: a man full of strength who protects our Porz like Julius Gaius Caesar a man who symbolizes joy, whose name is derived from the Latin “Gaudium” – joy – the joy of being able to bring happiness to the people despite the pandemic.
  • Porzer Jungfrau Venetia: the feminine power of the invincible trifolium. No virus can prevent a triumvirate from bringing joy to the people. A virgin who bears the name already borne by the first virgin in Cologne, whose name is close to the water – like Venice on the water, Cologne and Porz are located on Germany’s most beautiful river – the Rhine.

By the way, who is hiding behind the fluffy dolls remains a secret. (susa)

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