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Cologne: Man stabbed at front door – Homicide squad investigates

September 22, 2024, 2:16 p.m.

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A 45-year-old was attacked on his own doorstep. (Photo: Symbol)
© Rolf Vennenbernd/​dpa

A 45-year-old man was in Köln was stabbed and seriously injured by two unknown assailants in front of his front door. According to a police statement, the attack occurred when the victim answered the doorbell and opened the door. Neighbors alerted the emergency services. The darkly dressed assailants reportedly fled in different directions. According to the police, there are video recordings of them outside the house, which are being analyzed by a homicide squad.


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The background to the crime is currently unclear, and the possible murder weapon was described as a “sharp object.” The Cologne public prosecutor’s office has been contacted and may issue a statement on the status of the investigation on Monday. The homicide squad investigators are asking for witnesses to come forward.

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