Published: Monday, 05.08.2024 19:08
Competitive athletes who suffer from cancer often face great challenges. A new competence center in Cologne is now intended to provide relief and improve medical care. According to those responsible, there is already nationwide interest in the center.
© Klaus Schmidt/University Hospital Cologne
Faster return to competitive sport despite cancer diagnosis
Competitive athletes who suffer from cancer are currently not receiving the optimal medical care to enable them to return to competitive sport quickly. This is what the Cologne University Hospital says, and together with the Cologne Sports University it has founded the Germany-wide competence center “Competitive Sport and Cancer”.
The new center is intended to close the gap between sports medicine and cancer treatment. Experts emphasize that although competitive athletes often have a network of sports physicians and exercise therapists, these are often overwhelmed when a cancer diagnosis is made. At the same time, cancer physicians in hospitals usually concentrate on treating the disease and less on returning to competitive sport.
The competence center in Cologne wants to better integrate these two areas and ensure comprehensive care for competitive athletes suffering from cancer.
Nationwide interest in competence center
According to the university hospital, several top sports associations have already expressed their interest in cooperation.
Those responsible hope that the close cooperation between sports physicians and cancer doctors can improve the recovery and return to competitive sport for affected athletes.