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Colloquial chat with Biden, hugs with Lula and “long conversation” with Georgieva | Fernández at the G20

President Alberto Fernández held a conversation this Saturday with his counterpart from the United States, Joe Bidenand informal meetings with the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi and the president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvain advance of the first session of the G20 that takes place in New Delhi until tomorrow.

The Argentine president also shared a “long talk” with the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgievawho informed him that in November the multilateral credit organization will address the issue of overcharges, according to official sources.

Before entering the main hall of the convention center where the G20 summit is taking place, Fernández was chatting with host Modi about the recent announcement of Argentina’s incorporation into the BRICS, the group of emerging countries that make up the Asian country. Brazil, Russia, China and South Africa.

This Sunday, meanwhile, Fernández will hold a bilateral meeting with Modi, after the Indian government was one of the main promoters of Argentina’s entry into the Brics bloc.

Then, the Argentine president greeted his North American counterpart Biden, with whom he had a colloquial chat for a few minutes, in which both of them asked each other about the first ladies, according to official sources.

Afterwards, Fernández hugged Lula da Silva and spoke with his Brazilian counterpart about the need to accelerate the processing of already approved credits, with the aim of sustaining bilateral trade.

In June, Lula had announced that his Government is working on a financing line with public banks to maintain the pace of Brazilian exports to Argentina, which are experiencing delays due to the lack of foreign currency in the BCRA as a result of the restrictions caused by the drought.

In addition, Fernández and Lula talked about the political situation in Argentina after the PASO on August 13 in which the far-right presidential candidate Javier Milei (La Libertad Avanza) was the candidate with the most votes, by just under 30 percent of the votes. votes.

“Lula once again said that he needs the next elections to be won by Sergio Massa”sources said.

Two weeks ago, when Massa, presidential candidate of Unión por la Patria, visited Brazil, Lula told him in person: “Sergio, stop collecting dollars and start collecting more votes, because your victory is very important for all of South America.” “, the PT leader then instructed him in a smiling tone during a section of the meeting that lasted almost an hour and a half.

Lula has been showing concern about the electoral perspective of mercy and he already said that if the LLA representative came to power “it could imply a setback of more than 40 years in Latin America” and, in his analysis, he described it as “worse than (former Brazilian president Jair) Bolsonaro.”

The head of state of Brazil has been asking Argentine officials that to win in October all sectors of the Union for the Homeland must redouble their efforts, for which the role of governors, mayors and territorial organizations will be key.

After the informal talks, Modi, Biden, Lula and Alberto Fernández entered the convention hall together to begin the first plenary session of the G20 called “One Earth” and then the rest of the leaders did so, to begin the planned speeches.

After the lunch they share this noon, the second plenary session called “A family” will take place, in which Fernández will once again have a speech.

In his first speech of the morning, the Argentine President proposed the integration of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) to the G20, questioned the IMF for clinging to “its dogmas and showing itself incapable of new solutions”, criticized its prolonged the Russian invasion of Ukraine and condemned “financial speculation, restrictions, blockades and trade barriers.”

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