(ANSA) – NAPLES, APRIL 19 – Road accident, today around 2.30 pm on the A1 motorway between the San Vittore and Caianello toll booths, at Km 700, towards Naples: four trucks involved and one death and one wound. Two teams of firefighters intervened on site, one from the Teano detachment, for the Caserta command, and one from the Cassino detachment, for the Frosinone command. The firefighters had to rescue various people who, following the collision between the vehicles, were injured, including the driver of one of the trucks who was stuck between the sheets of metal. After an elaborate job and with the help of specific cutting equipment for this type of intervention, the firefighters managed to free the man from the sheets of metal but he died. Another person was rushed to hospital. Two mobile cranes also intervened on site to support the rescue operations, one from the Caserta Command and one from the Frosinone Command. Traffic on the arterial road is still blocked due to investigations by the traffic police and the investigation of the case. (HANDLE).
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– 2024-04-20 04:03:28