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College of Pediatricians recommends parents seek hepatitis vaccine

Leon, Gto. Although an outbreak of epidemiological hepatitis specifically in children has not been verified, the president of the León College of Pediatricians, María del Rosario Moguel Estrada, called on parents to seek the application of the vaccine to protect their children, against a virus It is transmitted through the respiratory and digestive tracts.

Being identified as hepatitis A, the specialist recommended going for the biological against this virus that is currently offered and marketed, without being part of the IMSS basic table, but it is available for its nursery system.

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“I think it’s not too much, although it’s not to alert us because I think it has sometimes led to confusion about it (…) but it is convenient for the population to know that there is also a vaccine against hepatitis A from the health sector.”

It recommended guiding parents about the existence of the vaccine so that minors are free of hepatitis A, although it does not have records of high mortality.

“But it is not bad that the father knows that he is going to be vaccinated and that he can protect him against that specific virus for children and he is not at risk (…) now this one is going to be protected and in general the costs of the vaccine are not so high”.

He estimated that the cost per dose ranges from 1,100 to 1,500 pesos per dose against hepatitis A, and that after six months a booster is required to provide permanent protection.

“It is from one year of age, up to the age you want, because it also occurs in adults. Those who are already known to have had hepatitis are not vaccinated”.

Photo: Courtesy

Until a month ago, the Guanajuato Health Secretariat (SSG) reported that they have not yet reported suspected or confirmed cases of acute childhood hepatitis in Guanajuato. This was corroborated regarding the disease that has already arrived in Nuevo León with at least four cases.

The head of the SSG, Daniel Díaz Martínez, indicated that although there have been no cases, training is being carried out with medical personnel. In addition to seeking to be vigilant in case of receiving a patient with signs of this disease.

According to PAHO, the symptoms of acute hepatitis are various: from gastrointestinal discomfort, such as diarrhea or vomiting, as well as fever, muscle and joint pain, but the most characteristic manifestation is jaundice, that is, a yellow skin and eyes.

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