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College Entrance Exam Candidate Learns of Sister’s Passing a Month Later

It was only after the college entrance examination that my sister learned that my sister passed away for a month. (Picture / flip from Weibo)

For many students, the college entrance examination is a key exam in life, and it may even become a turning point in fate. Therefore, in the families of ordinary senior high school candidates, the college entrance examination is often given priority over others. An 18-year-old female student in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, mainland China, found her sister had disappeared before the exam. After asking her family, she was told that she was going to the company headquarters for training. She was happy for her sister, but she didn’t know until after the college entrance examination. My sister has passed away for 1 month.

According to the video shared by Manjing, the woman is 18 years old this year and is a recent candidate. In order to concentrate on the college entrance examination, she usually does not live at home, but only occasionally goes home. About a month ago, the female student didn’t see her sister when she came home, so she asked her mother where she had gone; her mother said at the time that her sister went to the company headquarters for training and was about to be promoted to a supervisory position.

In fact, the woman’s older sister had passed away at the time, and her mother was afraid that telling the truth would affect her mood and lead to abnormal performance in the exam, so she made up a white lie. However, the younger sister didn’t know it, and happily shouted “Sister is amazing!” It wasn’t until the end of the exam a few days ago that she knew that her sister had passed away for more than a month, and the cause of death was a car accident, which made her burst into tears on the spot.

This matter has also sparked some discussions. In the survey of 16,000 people, most people tend to think that “should tell the college entrance examination candidates that family members are more important, and it will be a lifetime regret not to see each other for the last time”, and white lies are lies after all. Still should be used with caution.

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2023-06-13 13:08:27

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