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Collapse in Florida: the complex work of rescuers

Rubble searches continue in Surfside, Florida, five days after a residential building collapsed that left at least ten dead and more than 150 missing.

• Read also: Tragedy in Florida: the death toll rises to 10, 151 people missing

“In addition to the building that collapsed, there are still risks: fire risks, gas pockets that have formed, electricity that we must try to control, in addition to being exposed to the elements exterior, such as heat and torrential rains, ”explained François Vincent, division chief in the specialized operations division of the Montreal Fire Department, at the microphone of Vincent Dessureault in the early afternoon, Monday.

For Ive Girard, chief of operations of the technical rescue group in the specialized operations division, the tragedy that took place on the night of Wednesday to Thursday is one of the worst scenarios of collapse that can occur. This type of “house of cards” collapse complicates the work of rescuers, he said in an interview with QUB Radio.

Before each trip, “the pieces to be removed are initially analyzed with the engineer. Everything is done with a view to securing the workers, ”added Mr. Girard.

“Once the building has collapsed, there are always possibilities of instability,” said Vincent.

Five days after the collapse that left at least ten dead and more than 150 missing, relief workers continued to frantically search for possible survivors on Monday.

Families still without news of their loved one since Thursday fear the worst and worry about the hours that go by without there being any further development.

More than 300 Miami-Dade County firefighters have been deployed to the site of the Champlain Towers complex collapse.

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