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Collagen Deficiency Effects, This Is What Will Happen To The Body

The effects of a lack of collagen can actually cause a lot of harm to the body and health. Therefore, it is very important to recognize food intake that can increase the availability of collagen in the body.

Collagen is the structure that makes up the body’s protein, which accounts for about 30 percent.

Collagen is mostly found in connective tissues such as skin or joints, muscles, bones, and teeth.

Collagen fibers in the joints make the body able to move with flexibility and comfort. Collagen fibers are known to be strong against pressure so that they make the body flexible to move.

Naturally, the body is actually able to produce its own natural collagen to meet the body’s needs.

However, with age, the body’s ability to produce itself decreases.

This is what causes older people to generally show signs such as wrinkled skin, a dull face, a stooped body, and a way that is not as handsome as when they were young.

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This is the Effect of Collagen Deficiency

Collagen is generally associated with beauty care because of its very important function for the skin. In addition to the impact on the skin, here are the various effects of a lack of collagen on the body.

Circulation Disorders and Blood Pressure

Collagen also plays an important role in strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Lack of collagen can make it difficult for the body to regulate blood pressure which eventually triggers dizziness, headaches, chest pain, and the body becomes weak.

Lack of collagen can also cause disruption of blood circulation which can trigger high blood cholesterol. As well as attacks of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease.


Collagen is also found in intestinal tissue in the stomach. Digestive disorders are not uncommon also due to a lack of body collagen.

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Apart from that, diarrhea, constipation, and decreased immunity often occur because of this important element.

Disruption of the endocrine system

In addition, the effect of collagen deficiency can also result in the emergence of a number of disorders related to the endocrine system.

Sagging breasts, breast cancer, or menstrual disorders can also occur due to a lack of collagen in the body.

Whereas in men, premature ejaculation and impotence can also occur due to a lack of collagen in the body.

Joint Pain

The function of collagen fibers in joints can be like oil which will make the body parts move freely.

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That’s why if the body lacks collagen, it can trigger the appearance of a number of disorders in the joints or the emergence of arthritis.

That’s why taking supplements can help treat joint pain or ward off arthritis.

Wrinkles and Premature Aging

The most common signs seen if the body lacks collagen is the appearance of wrinkles on the face and a number of signs of premature aging.

Fine lines on the face, a face that looks dull, the skin begins to sag and is not tight are some of the most visible effects if the body starts to lack collagen.

Likewise, the skin tissue around the eye bags will be seen starting to fold.

Hair Damage and Toothache

The effects of a lack of collagen will also cause impaired hair and tooth growth. This can happen because the supply of essential nutrients for hair follicles is not sufficient.

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Lack of collagen will also reduce protection against free radical attacks that will damage the beauty of the hair. As a result, the hair looks dull, stiff, and getting thinner.

Likewise, the health around the teeth will be disturbed. Like porous teeth, gums bleed easily, thus triggering sensitive teeth. But to be sure of course need to be examined by a doctor.

Effective Ways to Overcome Collagen Deficiency

As we know, as we age, the body’s ability to produce natural collagen also decreases.

That’s why the best way to prevent the effects of a collagen deficiency is to do the following:

Consume Collagen-Rich Foods

There are many foods that contain collagen that you can consume to overcome the lack of collagen in the body. The best foods are fruits and vegetables that are natural.

Fruits that contain lots of collagen include apples, mangosteen, bananas, blueberries, sapodilla, soursop, oranges, papaya, and manganese.

Then other fruits are guava, cerme, lychee, kiwi, strawberry, tomato, langsat, grape, and lemon.

Take Collagen Supplements

For those of you who don’t want to bother with eating various types of fruit, you can also take collagen supplements. There are many supplements that you can buy that are suitable and useful for solving your problem.

Those are the various bad effects and effects of a lack of collagen on the body that you should know.

Before the condition gets worse, you should consume adequate collagen intake to meet the body’s needs. (R11/HR-Online/Editor-Eva)

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