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Collaborating with the East Java Manpower Office in Disseminating HIV/AIDS Prevention to Workers

Lamongan Regent Yuhronur Efendi cooperates with the East Java Manpower and Transmigration Office to socialize HIV/AIDS prevention to workers (Alimun Hakim/Bhirawa).

Lamongan, Bhirawa

Prevention of HIV/AIDS is one of the elements of Occupational Safety and Health (K3) that must be maintained. Work safety of workers is very important to pay attention to because health will increase work productivity.

This was stated by the Regent of Lamongan, Yuhronur Efendi, when he opened the HIV/AIDS Socialization for Workers in the framework of Commemorating the OHS Month of 2022 at PT BMI (Bumi Menara Internusa), Thursday (20/1).

Through the socialization of HIV/AIDS prevention organized by the East Java Manpower and Transmigration Office, the Regent of Yuhronur hopes that it will enrich the knowledge of workers about the importance of maintaining health so as to avoid the HIV virus.

“HIV/AIDS is one of the elements of work safety that must be maintained. Through this socialization, I hope it will give knowledge to all of us about how to avoid and protect ourselves from this disease. So we can prevent and control it. Because we know that the HIV virus that causes AIDS is growing very rapidly and is very concerning,” said the Regent Yes.

As one of the 26 companies that received the Zero Accident award from the Governor of East Java, the Regent, who on that occasion received the award as the 7th Best K3 Supervisor in East Java, hoped that PT BMI and all companies in Lamongan would be aware of the safety of their employees. , it is an embodiment to be together in the vision of a just glory of Lamongan.

Meanwhile, Brand Manager of PT BMI Lamongan Deni Eko Wahyudi on the occasion expressed his pride for the support from the Lamongan Regent for BMI employees. Through this socialization, Deni hopes that PT BMI employees can avoid the risk of HIV.

“Thank you, Mr. Regent, for your support. BMI were given the opportunity to participate in this socialization. Hopefully with this socialization we will gain knowledge so that we can minimize the risk of HIV. With this knowledge, hopefully we will all avoid the transmission of HIV,” he said.

The work safety socialization was attended by the Manpower Superintendent of the East Java Manpower and Transmigration Office, Nurainiyah Silvia Indriani, the Head of the Lamongan Manpower Office, Agus Cahyono, and the Director of the Soegiri Hospital, dr. Moh Chairir Annas.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) itself is a virus that attacks the immune system so that the body’s power is getting weaker and vulnerable to various diseases. If left untreated, HIV can get worse and progress to AIDS. HIV transmission can occur through vaginal or anal sex, use of needles, and blood transfusions. [Aha,Yit.gat]

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