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Collaborating with Otto Hasibuan, Moeldoko Gives 24 Hours to ICW to Apologize


Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko through his lawyer Otto Hasibuan asked Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) to withdraw the statement and apologize regarding the ‘promotion’ of ivermectin as a Corona (COVID-19) drug. Moeldoko give ICW 1×24 hour opportunity to publicly apologize in the media and withdraw the statement regarding the findings.

“I hereby as the legal representative of Mr. Moeldoko provide an opportunity so that this is fair, so that it is not considered that Mr. Moeldoko has exercised arbitrary power as if anti-criticism, I hereby request to give ICW and Brother Egi an opportunity 1×24 hours to prove his accusation that our client was involved. in the circulation of ivermectin and is involved in the rice import business,” said Otto in a virtual press conference, Thursday (29/7/2021).

“If ICW or brother Egi is unable to prove it, then our client reprimands brother Egi and ICW for retracting his statement and apologizes to our client publicly through print media and Electronic Media to our client,” Otto continued.

Otto says Moeldoko still giving ICW time to prove the existence of cooperation with the Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI), in which Moeldoko and PT Noorpay Nusantara Perkasa related to rice exports. It is known, Moeldoko is the Chairman of HKTI while Moeldoko’s son named Joanina Rachma Novinda is a shareholder of PT Noorpay.

If ICW does not apologize or withdraw the statement regarding the findings related to the alleged promotion of Ivermectin and the rice export business, Moeldoko will report ICW to the police. ICW’s statement, said Otto, had fulfilled the criminal element.

“So if 1 x 24 hours since press release We conveyed this to the ICW, brother Egi did not prove his allegations and did not retract his speech, and did not retract his statement, and was not willing to apologize to our client openly, so with great regret we will report this case to the authorities, “he said.

“We as lawyers have analyzed this case, I and the team and also the LBH HKTI legal aid team have also spoken and formed a team, we believe that from the facts presented by ICW, we think there is sufficient evidence that this act was committed against Mr. Moeldoko. fulfill the criminal elements, fulfill the elements of Article 27 paragraph 3 juncto Article 45 paragraph 3 of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions as amended Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the Law,” said Otto.

In this press conference, Otto also emphasized that Moeldoko does not have any legal relationship with PT Harsen Laboratories as the producer of Ivermectin. Then Otto also said that PT Noorpay had never collaborated with HKTI regarding rice exports because PT Noorpay was a company engaged in the IT sector.

“PT Noorpay is neither a company engaged in Ivermectin nor a company engaged in the export of rice, they are engaged in IT, so there is no connection and nothing to do with the Ivermectin business and has nothing to do with the rice business. Meanwhile, ICW firmly stated that there was cooperation between PT Noorpay through HKTI where the chairman of this HKTI is Mr. Moeldoko who has exported rice,” he said.

Otto confirmed that Moeldoko’s daughter, Joanina Rachma, was a shareholder in PT Noorpay, but it had nothing to do with Moeldoko as a person or KSP. He called ICW’s statement regarding his client slander and defamation.

“That ICW’s accusations and statements are irresponsible are therefore slanderous and defamatory against our client, and have damaged the good name of our client, both personally and as the President’s Chief of Staff,” he said.

Furthermore, Otto denied ICW’s findings regarding Moeldoko’s promotion of Ivermectin.

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