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Collaborates in the Burgos initiative ‘Tapones Para Andrés’

Several days ago we knew the Andres story. The 21-year-old from Burgos was pentaplegic last summer after an accident at sea. Needs to help to adapt your environment to their new circumstances, which is why the initiative has been launched ‘Plugs for Andrés‘, with which they ask the citizens of Burgos to let’s donate our plastic caps to the cause.

Collection of plastic caps in establishments in Burgos

Last week the social media initiative. A group of people has set out to gather plastic caps to help Andrés. They intend to sell all of them to the industry in charge of recycling and donate the proceeds to help you adapt to your home and your environment.

From the first moment he had great reception in the city and the solidarity of our neighbors is beginning to show supporting Andrés. The reception has been such that the initiative has some logistical problems in which they are working, in addition to the situation generated by the health crisis COVID-19 does not facilitate collection. For now they ask for patience to work on the collection, but thank everyone for the support they are showing.

From the Facebook page that they have created for the initiative ‘Plugs for Andrés‘they say this:

“My name is Andrés and I’m 21 years old. I am from Castrillo del Val, Burgos. July 18, 2019 I was swept away by a wave on the beach and I was pentaplegic, that means I need help with any task, including breathing. I need to guarantee my well-being and for this I must adapt my whole environment to make my day to day a little easier. I only ask that if you remember me donate the plastic caps that you are going to throw away. Thanks for your help. I have collection points in Burgos to facilitate your contribution, and I am looking for solutions for other geographical areas. I appreciate all the help you are giving me.

Establishments to donate.

The story of Andrés has shocked the people of Burgos and every day there are more establishments where we can donate our earplugs. Throughout the neighborhoods of Burgos we find places where we can make the donation and the list contains more than 100 stores in the city and in towns such as Castrillo del Val, Cueva de Juarros, Villarmero, Quintanadueñas … KNOW HERE IN WHICH ESTABLISHMENTS YOU CAN DONATE YOUR PLUGS.

Tags: andrés, Stoppers for Andrés

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