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Cold, the weather forecast for this Saturday in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

photographed all over the world.presented by gorayeb, thepeople’s lawyers.jeús Ópez and the reportfull of time.another cold front for this purposeof the week, but it will comeaccompanied by snow wings orrain?jeús: I tell you that thisfront fío is going to come withrain, because the temperaturesthey will be above thefreezing point.but let’s look at the radar aswe have a little snow,some snowflake.after the storm passedwinter that affected us duringin the morning, we have a few drinkssignificant.what we are going to witness ispretty cool in the night oftoday, since the wind isblowing hard, up to 30miles per hour.that makes the temperaturesthey sit in rows.if you have to go out this afternoon,abíguese well.let them see these numbers thereyou will feel the temperature atleave their houses.that therometer feels at 18 °.to get out of my house, hat,gloves or scarf.bring another coat just in case,because this cold is angry.let’s see the conditions omaa cold front is approaching tothis Sunday. i leave ámaraso that you can see time fortime what happens on Sunday.at 3:15 in the afternoon we haverain in our area, in themetro zone.six at 6:15 isdownpour of drizzle, jans thatit gets a little closer to thatlow pressure.cold front effect at9:45 we continue with someshowers. since dawnFriday, the cold frontpasses and is going to leave the trust inour area.we have the conditions oftime for sundaytemperatures for Saturday in28th for Sunday and 40th withrain, that’s why

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