Home » News » Cold temperatures and mainly cloudy skies, the forecast for this Tuesday in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Cold temperatures and mainly cloudy skies, the forecast for this Tuesday in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Raphael: with pleasurehello beautiful rafaelana patricia: a tuesday withcool temperatures but nomuch.rafael: they lowered thewe can breathe a weekwell, you have to see when they changethe temperatures.ana: the sun will rise or noton this day?yesterday, it was so good, goodToday we will do a mixBetween sun and work but I did itnews we don’t haveat least the rainfalluntil the weekend.let’s see how the change isof temperature in the last24 hours because if we haveexperienced conditions thatfor what concerndifference between Monday and Tuesdaywe have seen a decline insome of our cities,it is most evident in the southern half of thejarín state where we arealso seeing the areas they havehe lost 5, but his boss winsseven inlast 24 hours, newark ejohn f kennedy there is no differenceIt’s a lot of its 2 negative thingwe have seen from time to timedrop the thermometer.temperatures that are alreadyover 30 years of agetri-state area, someparts like poughkeepsie,over 30m in newark eManhattan is already approaching 40mark 36 and 39.today we are living inlittle breeze, something lightbut enough forwhich affects the sensationermic and is that the therometerwhich at the moment are the38, together with the wind factor,We are tryingtemperatures you feel insideon the 33rd, keep that in mindbus stop to wait for thepublic transport, about 10minutes, you will need to read aNot much with those temperatures.

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