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Cold Sweat Hands Don’t Mean Heart Disease Symptoms

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM – Dr. Iskak Tulungagung’s Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist, Dr.Adriawan Widya Nugraha stated that the phenomenon of cold sweaty hands experienced by some people cannot always be identified with symptoms heart disease.

“This could be a phenomenon of ‘hyperhidrosis’, which is a condition in which the sweat glands produce excessive sweat in certain parts of the body or on the palms of the hands,” said dr. Andriawan in Tulungagung, Saturday (5/9).

According to him, the general public lacks knowledge about physical symptoms heart disease often gives rise to misunderstandings. Because when one just feels a cold sweat without certain symptoms it cannot be ascertained that it is a reaction from heart disease.

He continued, there are several symptoms that can be recognized as early signs of heart disease. For example, someone issues a cold sweat excess in the feet and hands followed by other symptoms, such as pain in the left chest, shortness of breath, and a feeling of racing heart (excessive heartbeat).

“If someone experiences things that are similar, it is likely that the symptoms are heart disease. But not necessarily. “Before being examined by an expert, it cannot be concluded because each individual does not have the same symptoms,” he said.

Doctor Adriawan explained, his discharge a cold sweat or hyperhidrosis basically can be caused by two factors. First, primary hyperhidrosis, which is the symptoms that are not known with certainty but can be seen from genetic or hereditary factors. Second, secondary hyperhidrosis, namely certain medical conditions such as heart attacks, infectious diseases, low sugar levels and so on.

“The causes of primary hyperdrosis generally occur in the palms, soles of the feet and sometimes the face. Meanwhile, secondary hyperhidrosis occurs in almost all parts of the body. Therefore, for people who do not understand medically, you should not worry. If you experience the same thing, immediately contact an expert. , “he said.

This news is the result of a collaboration between Ayo Media Network and Republika.co.id.

The content of the writing is outside the responsibility of Ayo Media Network.

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