TRIBUNPONTIANAK.CO.ID – Sore throat is a very common disease that is felt by a number of people at this time during the pandemic.
It doesn’t just stop there, it hurts throat usually only be the beginning of a number of other symptoms such as fever and chills.
Originally sick The throat will be characterized by pain, itching, or irritation in the throat.
The condition often worsens and in general a sore throat is caused by: infected viruslike have a cold or the flu.
Sore throat caused by virus usually gets better on its own.
A UK study reveals some of the symptoms of the new variant virus corona Covid-19.
As in a number of related countries, new strains virus Corona, namely Omicron and sub-variant Omicron stealth.
Sore throat is one of the types of diseases caused by bacteria or viruses such as the current corona virus.
• Easy Ways to Treat Sore Throat with Natural Methods and Ingredients
Sore throat is a symptom of an attack virus which results in mild to moderate upper respiratory tract infection.
The following are the symptoms of a sore throat due to infection: virus covid-19