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Cold microscope slide, VILLEURBANNE

Notice of public call for competition
Publishing Department (s): 69, 1, 13, 3, 38, 73, 74, 75, 99
Advert No 21-79598

Official name and address of the purchasing organization: INST NAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES LYON.
Correspondent: Ms. chloe selva larios, insa lyon, 20 avenue Albert Einstein 69100 Villeurbanne, tel. : 04-72-43-83-83.
Main activity (ies) of the contracting authority: General public administration services.-

Object of the contract : acquisition of a microscope slide for the environmental transmission electron microscope in order to analyze a sample cooled to a controlled temperature.-
Type of supply contract: purchase.
CPV – Main object: 38519000
Additional objects: 38519400.
Place of delivery : Lyon Tech La Doua campus, 69100 Villeurbanne.
Code NUTS : -FRK26.
The notice involves a public market.
Main Features :

Cold object holder for electronic microscope
Quantities (supplies and services), nature and scope (works): acquisition of an object holder for the electronic microscope in environmental transmission in order to analyze a sample cooled to a controlled temperature.
Estimated value (excluding VAT): between 0 and 70,000 euros.
Refusal of variants.
The procurement procedure for this notice is covered by the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement: yes.
Services divided into lots: non.
Duration of the contract or time limit for completion: .
from October 1, 2021 and until October 1, 2022.
Provisional start date for services (supplies / services): September 1, 2021.
Justifications to produce as to the qualities and capacities of the candidate:

Documents to be produced in support of the candidacies by the candidate, at the choice of the public purchaser:
– Certificates drawn up by services responsible for quality control and authorized to certify the conformity of supplies by references to certain technical specifications. Other evidence of equivalent quality assurance measures produced by the candidate will be accepted if the candidate does not have access to these certificates or has no possibility of obtaining them within the time limits set;
– Form DC1, Letter of application – Authorization of the representative by his co-contractors (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat);

– Form DC2, Declaration of the individual candidate or member of the consortium (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-du-candidat);

– ATTRI1 form, Deed of engagement (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-attribution-marches-2016;

– Form DC 4, Declaration of subcontracting (available at the following address: http://www.economie.gouv.fr/daj/formulaires-declaration-candidat-dc1-dc2-dc3-dc4).
Documents to be produced by the successful tenderer, before the signature and notification of the public contract or the framework agreement (NOTI1 form):
– The documents provided for in Articles D. 8222-5 or D. 8222-7 and D. 8222-8 of the Labor Code;
– If the successful tenderer is established in France, the attestations and certificates issued by the competent authorities and bodies proving that he has met his fiscal and social obligations or an annual statement of the certificates received;
– If the successful tenderer is established in a State other than France, a certificate drawn up by the administrations and organizations of the country of origin. Where such a certificate is not issued by the country concerned, it may be replaced by a declaration under oath, or in States where such an oath does not exist, by a solemn declaration made by the person concerned before the Court. competent judicial or administrative authority, a notary or a qualified professional body of the country;
– If the documents provided by the candidate are not drawn up in French, they must be accompanied by a translation into French, certified as true to the original by a sworn translator.
The transmission and verification of application documents can be carried out by the Simplified Public Market system on presentation of the SIRET number: NO
Minimum number of candidates allowed to submit a tender: 1.
Award criteria:

Economically most advantageous tender assessed according to the criteria set out in the specifications (consultation rules, invitation letter or descriptive document).

Type of procedure: adapted procedure.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: July 1, 2021, at 12 noon.

Minimum period of validity of offers: 4 days from the deadline for receipt of tenders.

Other informations :
Reference number attributed to the contract by the contracting authority / contracting entity: M210028.
Date of dispatch of this notice for publication: June 11, 2021.
Address from which documents can be obtained:

Internet address : https://www.marches-publics.gouv.fr/?page=entreprise.EntrepriseAdvancedSearch&AllCons&refConsultation=771706&orgAcronyme=f2h.
Body responsible for appeal procedures: Administrative Tribunal of Lyon 184 rue Duguesclin 69003 Lyon, tel. : 04-78-14-10-10, email: [email protected], fax: 04-78-14-10-10.
Body responsible for mediation procedures: Mediator for companies 98-102 rue de Richelieu 75002 Paris, tel. : 01-53-17-88-38, fax: 01-53-17-87-92 internet address: http://www.mediateur-des-entreprises.fr.
Service from which information can be obtained concerning the lodging of appeals: Administrative Tribunal of Lyon 184 rue Duguesclin 69003 Lyon, tel. : 04-78-14-10-10, email: [email protected], fax: 04-78-14-10-10.

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