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Cold infections prepare the body to defend against COVID-19 – Rambler / doctor

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Research has shown that colds can “train” the body to recognize COVID-19. This is reported by “Interlocutor”.

T cells that help the immune system strengthen its memory by recognizing the common cold virus. Thus, when it re-enters the body, it is quickly destroyed by these very cells. They also identify parts of the new coronavirus.

More information about the research results can be found in the scientific journal Science. It says that T cells that strengthen the memory of the immune system retain information about viruses that were encountered earlier.

However, the authors of the study warn that it is too early to say whether the already laid memory of immune cells can affect the course of the coronavirus in humans.

Researchers have also shown that in some people, T cell memory produces what is known as a cross-reaction to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That is why the virus manifests itself as mild symptoms in some people and much more severe in others.

Previously, Rambler wrote that the timing of the second wave of coronavirus in Russia.-

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