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“Cold in Chickens: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Violina Gorcinschi – July 12, 2023 11:44 a.m. Cold in chickens: symptoms, treatment

Cold in chickens – symptoms, prevention, treatment. How to treat the chicken cold, a disease that is not fatal, but the complications are quite serious for the youth. In laying hens, colds can cause egg production to stop. In broilers, the disease can weaken the bird’s body, and, untreated and aggravated, it can even lead to death.

Cold in chickens – causes. Why do chickens catch a cold?
Cold in chickens – signs of the disease;
Cold in chickens – prevention. How we strengthen the immunity of poultry;
Cold in chickens – treatment.

Being a contagious disease, the cold in chickens must be detected quickly, so that it does not spread to the entire flock. At that point, it will be quite difficult to deal with.

Cold in chickens – causes. Why do chickens catch a cold?

Colds in chickens can be triggered by drafts, low air temperatures, poor nutrition, vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In this article, you will learn how to detect and treat the common cold in chickens.

Cold symptoms in chickens (photo: myland.decorexpro.com)

Cold in chickens – the signs of the disease

In order to treat the chicken cold, it must first be correctly diagnosed. Sick birds have specific symptoms. In the first phase, heavy and noisy breathing, grunting, birds become lethargic and have unusual behavior. They can also sneeze just like humans.

Like humans, chickens have nasal discharge as well as eye discharge when suffering from a respiratory infection. Swelling occurs on the face, especially around the eyes, and the birds may suffer from diarrhoea. If left untreated, the birds lose weight and egg production drops significantly, as does their appetite.

Coughing and wheezing do not always indicate a cold in chickens. Sometimes birds can choke, during the meal, on grain, stretch their necks and breathe harder. If keepers notice that the birds are choking, they should try to unblock the airway.

Also, if the birds start yawning, they may have a cold or an inflammation of the throat. In the second case, chickens need special anti-inflammatories, purchased from the veterinary pharmacy. If there are complications, the vet may recommend antibiotic treatment.

How to prevent colds in chickens (photo: vetmed.ucdavis.edu)

Cold in chickens – prevention. How we strengthen the immunity of poultry

Chickens, and especially chickens, need certain environmental conditions to develop healthily. The temperature at which the birds are kept depends on their age. Chicks that are less than a week old have the greatest need for warmth. For them, the temperature should be maintained in the range of 32-35 degrees Celsius. From the second week, the temperatures drop to 30 degrees, and the 15-20-day-old chicks have 26-28 degrees. Starting from the third week, the temperature can be reduced to 20 degrees.

It is important to maintain air humidity at 60-70%. Chickens need fresh air, so it is recommended to ventilate the rooms frequently.

To reduce the chances of illness in young chickens, waterers and feeders are cleaned and washed regularly.

In strengthening the immune system of birds, nutrition plays a key role. In bird food and water, petunia.ro recommends the following natural remedies:

Apple cider vinegar for chickens – is a powerful tonic that eliminates internal parasites and strengthens the body; Cinnamon in chickens – stops diarrhea; Epsom salts for chickens – another effective treatment against diarrhea; Minced garlic and onion for chickens – given in small amounts daily, these will help prevent parasites and boost the immune system; Aloe vera for chickens – helps with general well-being; Oregano in chickens – treats parasites and prevents a second infestation; Sour milk or whey in chickens – helps the health of the intestines. Sick hens are fed a mash of wheat bran, soaked in sour milk, to hasten recovery; Chicken Parsley – Birds love this disease-preventing plant, rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, E and K, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Treating colds in chickens (photo: heritageacresmarket.com)

Cold in chickens – treatment

Treatment of a cold in chickens must be started as soon as the first signs of the disease are detected.

If the cold is detected in chickens, bird owners must urgently take measures to prevent the spread of the disease throughout the flock, according to decorexpro.com. First of all, sick birds isolate themselves from other individuals, in clean, warm (above 20 degrees Celsius), dry and properly ventilated rooms. The young are separated from the adults for 10-14 days. Breeders can use both natural methods and drugs.

During a cold, chickens’ appetite decreases, but feeding can be stimulated by crushing the feed and mixing it with liquids to make a puree. Then, a spoon or syringe is used to feed chickens unable to feed themselves. A few cloves of garlic can also be crushed in the birds’ food, to strengthen their immunity.

A popular and effective method of treatment is nettle decoction and tea made from raspberry, currant or linden leaves. Also, placing scented lamps with eucalyptus and sage essential oils will speed up the healing process. Apple cider vinegar is added to the bird’s water in plastic containers.

If the disease is quite severe, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian who will recommend, in most cases, the administration of antibiotics. In addition, to support the strengthening of immunity, a vitamin complex will also be administered.

2023-07-12 08:52:59
#Cold #chickens #symptoms #treated

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